WAG 06-05-01-a Public Health Emergency Coverage - COVID-19

PM 06-05-01-a

All Kids Unit Processing

COVID-19 related applications for non-citizens are assigned to Bureau of All Kids (BAK) staff for processing and tracking.

  • Providers requesting coverage for a COVID-19 related individual, emails the application to HFS.priority19@illinois.gov.
  • When an application is approved, BAK staff enters the initial 60 days of medical coverage into the Integrated Eligibility System (IES).
  • If additional coverage is needed beyond the initial 60 days, the provider must email HFS.priority19@illinois.gov requesting an extension. The request for an additional 60 days is reviewed and if approved, BAK adds the second approval period to the case.
  • BAK enters a case comment upon completion.


Follow the steps below when processing a COVID-19 application for emergency medical coverage:

Under "Individual Information," on the "Questions" page, answer "YES" to "Special Medicaid Approvals." This will cause the "Special Medicaid Approvals Details" page to appear in the driver flow.

On the "Special Medicaid Approvals - Details" page;

  • Select the Name of the individual for whom the special approval applies.
  • Enter the earliest possible date of the options below in the Circumstances Start/Change Date field.
    • Date of application; date of email submitted by a Medicaid provider with COVID diagnosis or suspected diagnosis documentation;
    • date on a completed 3801; date of COVID-19 diagnosis; or
    • the onset of COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Select 'Emergency Medical Need' as the Approval Type;
  • Select 'Provided' for "Has documentation been provided for the CAU referral" field;
  • Select 'Yes' for the "Is CAU Decision Received" field;
  • Select 'Approved' for the "Enter the CAU Decision" field;
  • Enter the begin date (same date as entered for the CSCD);
  • Add 60 days to the approval begin date and enter as the end date;
  • When finished, click [Save + Continue]; and
  • BAK enters a case comment noting the actions taken.

Verification Checklist (VCL)

Send a VCL for applications received without the required verifications.