Action Memo
- To be eligible for TANF Cash, an applicant must cooperate in the development of the Responsibility Services Plan (RSP).
- When an RSP is developed, the applicant must agree with the plan and sign a Signature Page. Each RSP Signature Page must be uploaded to the ECR.
- The Monthly Report, TANF Initial Approved Applications distributed to the Statewide Processing Centers Administrator is dispersed to FCRC's for review.
The Responsibility Services Plan
As a condition of eligibility for TANF, an individual must cooperate in the development of an RSP to establish initial and ongoing goals. Once an RSP is completed and the applicant has signed the RSP Signature Page, staff must upload the documents to the ECR.
A new RSP Signature Page should be signed and uploaded each time an RSP is developed.
To ensure the RSP Signature page was uploaded correctly, the ECR Document /Task Title "RSP Signature Page" should appear under the WVS tab in the ECR.
When the signed RSP is uploaded in IES to the RSP Signature Upload Page, it becomes part of the ECR.
Uploading of RSP Signature Page
When an RSP Signature Page is received, it must be scanned and uploaded to the ECR as follows:
Left Navigation
- Select EDM; then
- Upload Documents/Create EDM Tasks
- Complete the following fields on the Upload Document/Create EDM Task screen in IES as follows:
- Requested Action = Create an IES Inbox Task- Upload a Document
- Case/Application # = Select the magnifying glass and use the pop-up to select the case the document is for
- Individual - Use dropdown to select individual who signed the RSP
- Document Category- WVS
- Document /TASK Title - TANF Responsibility and Services Plan Form Signature Page
- Received Date - the date the documents were received/date stamped.
- Route to Queue - Ready to certify (RTC)
- Choose Document - Browse the file location for the document; select RSP Signature Page to be uploaded.
- Select Add
- Select Submit
Review ECR to ensure RSP Signature Page is uploaded and viewable.
Note: Once the customer signs the RSP or returns the RSP with a signature, it is essential the RSP is uploaded correctly.
Monthly Report
The Monthly Report, TANF Initial Approved Applications is distributed to the FCRC's by the Statewide Processing Centers Administrator. FCRC's should review the cases on the report to ensure a signed RSP Signature Page has been uploaded to the ECR.
This monthly report can also be utilized to identify cases in need of an RSP signature page.
FCRC Responsibilities
Managers should ensure an RSP is completed, signed and the RSP Signature Page uploaded to the ECR in IES each time an RSP is completed.
[signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services