See WAG 03-13-04.
There are penalties for TANF applicants and active clients who refuse or fail to comply.
At Application
See PM 02-09-01 for noncooperation with a Family Assessment and RSP development at application.
For an applicant who meets criteria for a "revolving door" exception to the 30-day deferral of Countable activities, deny the application if the person refuses or fails to cooperate without good cause within the disposition time frame. See PM 03-13-01.
Active Clients
Take action depending on whether there is a refusal or a failure to comply.
Refusal to Comply
To remain eligible for cash, the client must be willing to comply with the activity requirements. An active client who states that they refuse to cooperate with the compliance requirements in PM 03-13-00, without good cause, is not eligible for TANF. If the client who refuses to cooperate is required to be in the TANF case, cancel the cash for the entire family unit. If the client is an optional unit member, stop cash for the client only and continue it for the rest of the family. Set up a Medical case for the client. Impose this penalty only when there is a direct, stated refusal to comply, not just a failure to follow through with a required activity. Supervisory approval is required to impose this penalty.
If the client later states they are willing to comply, the penalty no longer applies.
set up a cash case for the family, or addd the person to the family's cash case.
An active client who refuses to follow through with a mental health referral, assessment, or treatment plan must be deemed able to follow through with this activity requirement by a mental health service provider. If they are deemed unable to follow though, engage the client in other work and training activities.
A client receiving TANF who refuses without good cause to cooperate in developing their RSP is ineligible for cash benefits.
Failure to Comply

When a client receiving TANF benefits fails to comply with the activity requirement, without a stated refusal to comply, try reconciliation (see PM 03-13-04-b). Impose a sanction (see PM 03-13-04-c) only when reconciliation is not successful.
An active client who fails to follow through with a mental health referral, assessment, or treatment plan must be deemed able to follow through with this activity requirement by a mental health service provider. If they are deemed unable to follow though, engage the client in other work and training activities. Determine if a referral to SSA is appropriate.
A client receiving TANF benefits who cooperates in developing their RSP but fails to comply without good cause may be sanctioned. This includes a client deemed able to follow through with a mental health referral, assessment, or treatment plan.