PM 03-13-02: Exempt Person - Activity Compliance Requirement

WAG 03-13-02.

See general activity compliance requirements, including compliance with barrier reduction activities, at PM 03-13-00.

Exemption from Countable Work, Training and Education Activities

To be considered not Work-Eligible, a person receiving TANF must have at least one reason to exempt them from participating in Countable Work, Training and Education activities.

A person is Exempt when they:

  • are caring for a related child under age one (only one adult per case & not applicable to teen parent who does not have diploma or GED); or
  • are age 60 or older; or
  • are a dependent child; or
  • have a medical barrier;
    • pending or approved by the Client Assessment Unit (CAU); or
    • woman within her last 6 weeks of pregnancy; or
    • new mother 12 weeks after delivery; or
    • receives Social Security disability benefits based on own disability; or
  • have a family care barrier pending or approved by CAU; or
  • have a child in home approved for Medically Fragile Technology Dependent (MFTD) waiver (both parents); or
  • are approved for Family Violence Exclusion.

If none of the above criteria are met, a person receiving TANF as an adult is included in the Work-Eligible population and is not Exempt.

Participation Targets do not apply. There is no minimum weekly hour requirement. If an Exempt person volunteers for a Countable activity, supervised and verified hours are counted toward the State Work Participation Rate, but participation and verification are strictly voluntary.

Participation in Support Activities

TANF recipients who are Exempt from participating in Countable activities must cooperate with Support activities designed to overcome barriers and increase income from sources other than work.

For developing the RSP for an Exempt person, see PM 02-09-06

See list of Support Activities at PM 21-04-00.