Good afternoon:
I wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone for the kind notes, emails and calls over the last few days. I appreciate the warm welcome and look forward to working with you all in the days and weeks ahead. Please know, the Division is here for you and continues to be your partner in this important work. Do not hesitate to reach out to us.
* Remember to register for tomorrow's Housing Navigator Webinar to hear about the Division's newest partnership with the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Today is the 23rd anniversary of the Olmstead vs. LC (Olmstead) Supreme Court decision! On this date in 1999, the United States Supreme Court declared that the unjustified segregation of people with disabilities is discrimination in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Court held that public entities must provide community-based services to persons with disabilities when such services are appropriate, when the persons do not oppose community-based treatment and when community-based services can be reasonably accommodated taking into account the resources available.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities has and will continue to focus on the community-based services system as the Olmstead decision requires. Over the last several years, the state has invested historically in its community-based system including:
- From FY17 to FY23, DSP wages will have gone from $10.71/hour to $17.00/hour statewide and $19.50/hour for Chicagoland (as of January 1, 2023, pending CMS approval).
- Since FY16, the State has increased funding for HCBS waiver services by nearly $700 million.
- The State has significantly decreased the PUNs list and as such people are now waiting less than the 60 months the State committed to achieving by FY25 under Ligas Reasonable Pace. Additionally, in FY23, the Division will be completing a PUNS selection for children's Home-Based Services, the first children's PUNS pull in 12 years.
- The State has prioritized employment through partnerships with DRS as well as grants focused on expanding capacity to support people in competitive integrated employment.
- With the new fiscal year, the Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies will (1) resume quarterly visits to allow for increased relationship development and monitoring with and for individuals and their families; (2) begin ADA/Olmstead outreach; and (3) have dedicated Housing Navigators at most of the ISCs to focus on community-based, independent housing options for individuals.
During a Rule 116 survey, the Division has historically accepted a copy of Rule 116 instead of provider policies and procedures for medication administration oversight. Starting July 1, 2022, the Division will be providing technical assistance during the survey process to providers that do not have policies and procedures currently in place. The Division will be partnering with those agencies to help develop appropriate policies and procedures. Corrective Action Plans will not be issued to providers at this time. In addition to the technical assistance that will be offered during surveys, the Division will be hosting Rule 116 office hours that will be available to providers seeking clarification on Rule 116 regulations. More information on Rule 116 policies and procedures and office hours will be released in the coming weeks. If you have questions, please reach out to
The National Core Indicators-IDD Staff Stability Survey is open for provider input. To date, we've had only 53 providers complete! The survey invite link has been sent directly to providers who employ direct support professionals (DSP) serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities age 18 and older. The information you provide is important to state policymakers and advocates who will use the data to guide decisions. The survey asks about the status of your DSP workforce between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. NCI has extended the deadline to submit the survey to July 31, 2022. The online survey tool will be updated on Friday to reflect this updated deadline.
As people are aware, the DDD has engaged with the SELN on a number of successful projects over the past several years. Throughout 2021/2022, many Division partners at the ISC agencies and the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) participated in the SELN developed e-learning series "Supporting a Vision for Employment." This series includes 4 self-paced modules designed to increase staff capacity in employment service planning and delivery. The series explores real-life scenarios, case studies, and stories with learning checks and quizzes along the way to ensure competency. E-Learners may download additional resources to continue studying over time.
Thanks to the support of the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities, those who took part previously did so at no cost. However, due to high demand for the series and Illinois surpassing its "free seat" threshold, participation was momentarily paused. We are excited to share that through collaboration with the SELN, participation may resume, and expand to our provider network, with a low-cost e-learner enrollment. The Summer series opened for enrollment on 6/20, with e-learning modules available to participants from 6/27-7/29. The cost is $35 per learner (payments must be made by check).
Anyone with questions on the series and those interested in enrolling should email
Billing for DDD Grants must be submitted by Friday, August 26, 2022, at 5:00pm. DDD Grants include the following: Dental (400), Epilepsy (250), Autism Awareness (450-12), Best Buddies (450-03), Family Advocate (450-14), Latino Outreach (450-13), Special Olympics & Special Children's Charities (450-21), Special Olympics (450-04), Lifespan Special Project (450-02), DD Transition (450-18), Access for Illinois Children with Autism (450-27), Illinois Respite Coalition Lifespan Respite Care (450-31), Independent Service Coordination (600), Voucher Respite (880), Competitive Integrated Employment Capacity Grant (450-40), Autism Awareness Project (450-25), SODC Project (450-28), DSP Training, and Person Centered Planning.
DDD Grants which require Service Reporting through ROCS include 50D (51A - 51L), In-Home Respite (87D), and Residential Respite (89D). All Grant Service Reporting is due no later than Monday, August 15, 2022, by 5:00pm.
DDD Fee-For-Service (FFS) providers are advised that all billing and corrected billing for all bill codes for State Fiscal Year 2022 services and supports must be submitted to ROCS no later than Monday, August 15, 2022, by 5:00pm to avoid Court-of-Claims. This includes but is not limited to: 17D, 19D, 31C, 31S (ended 3/31/2022), 31U, 31V, 35U, 36G, 36U (started 01/01/2022), 37U, 38C, 38G (started 04/01/2022), 39G (ended 12/31/2021), 39U, 41D, 42D, 50A, 51A - L, 52O, 52P, 52S, 53D, 53E, 53H, 53R, 53S, 53T, 53V, 55A, 55D, 55L, 55N 55P, 55T, 56U, 57G, 57U, 58G, 58U, 61H, 62H, 63H, 65H (ended 12/31/2021), 67D, 67E & 67O, 73D, 75H, 75M, 75O,and 75Z billing.
Only 60D CILA is not subject to this cut-off. We are unsure, and everyone should assume that Hourly Intermittent CILA (Bill Codes 61H, 62H and 63H) have the same lapse period billing deadline as all other bill codes (other than 60D).
The FFS and Grant Service Reporting must be submitted to ROCS and Grant billing and received by the Division by the above specified dates so that all required processes are completed by August 31, 2022, the cut-off date set by Fiscal Services.
Sarah Myerscough-Mueller
Interim Director - Division of Developmental Disabilities
Illinois Department of Human Services
401 S. Clinton St., 3rd Floor Chicago, IL 60607
O: (217) 524-2512