WAG 03-11-01-b: Validating the SSN

Each SSN entered through Revised Manual text IES is validated by SSA via an electronic clearance. Once the SSN is validated the Validated by SSA box is checked on the Individual Information page of IES, If the SSN is not validated, a pop up box will be displayed under certain conditions that will warn workers against selecting a valid SSN Verification Source when the SSN clearance has returned a negative result. Examples:

Note: Since SSN/DOB information can not be changed in IES for file cleared individuals, workers should either request an override from FCRC staff that have the Individual/MCI override capability or submit form 1925 to the SSA Programs Control Unit to correct individuals SSN information.

FDSH Clearance Scenario Result
Case worker adds an individual with an SSN verification source of "Social Security Card". The FDSH clearance runs and returns a result SSN Not Verified, SSN exists:There is no match on name or DOB."

The FDSH clearance will update the individual's SSN

Verification Source as "Not Verified", a pop up box

appears when the worker clicks "Next" on the Clearance

 Results page. The worker can:

  • Go back to the Individual Information page and correct the SSN and source of verification. If the  clearance is run again and SSN is correct, the Verification Source will not be changed and pop up box will no longer appear.
  • Go back to the Individual information page, update the SSN Verification Source to "Form 1925 Submitted". Submit form 1925 to the SSAPC unit. The SSN verification source will not be changed by the clearance, the pop up box will not be thrown again and no EDG's will pend. The "Validated by SSA PC" box will be checked by the SSAPC unit once the SSN is verified.
  • Continue without performing any update to the SSN or its verification source. EDGs will pend for unverified SSN and a VCL will be generated.
An individual who uses multiple last names has an SSN verification source of "Social Security Card". The FDSH clearance returns: "SSN Not Verified; SSN exists : There is a match on DOB but not on name" The FDSH clearance will update the individual's SSN Verification Source to "Not Verified" and a pop up box displays when clicking "Next" on the Clearance Results page. The worker should:
  • Go back to the Individual Information page and update the Verification Source to "Form 1925 Submitted". The SSN verification Source will not be changed by the clearance, the pop up box will not be thrown again, and no EDGs will pend. Worker submits form 1925 to the SSAPC unit. The "Validated by SSA PC" box will be checked by the SSAPC unit once the SSN is verified.
A worker has added an individual with an SSN Verification source of "Form 1925 Submitted". An SSAPC worker updates the SSN verification source to "Validated by SSA/SOLQ and checks the new "Validated by SSA PC" check box. The FDSH clearance will not update the individual's SSN verification source to "Not Verified". The SSN and SSN Verification Source will be read-only. No EDGs will pend and no VCL generated. The pop up box will not appear.
An individual has an SSN verification source of "Conversion", the "Validated by SSA" check box is checked and the individual information has not been changed since conversion 2017. When the FDSH clearance runs again, it returns the result "SSN Not Verified; SSN exists: There is no match on name or DOB". The FDSH clearance will not update the individual's SSN Verification Source to "Not Verified", because the individual has been validated by SSA. The SSN and SSN Verification Source will remain read-only to all workers. No EDGs will pend and no VCL will be generated. The pop up box will not appear.

IES Clearance Results pop up box Examples:

Clearance Results Screen Scenario Result
When the worker clicks "Next" on the Clearance Results page, the pop up box appears with the name of individual(s) listed. The worker uses the individual's hyperlink to navigate back to the Individual Information page, closing the pop up box and updates the SSN verification source to "Form 1925 submitted" for the individual(s) listed. The pop up box will not be dispalyed again on the Clearance Results page.
When the worker clicks "Next" on the Clearance Results page, a pop up box appears with the name of individual(s) listed. The worker closes the pop up box without updating information and proceeds. The worker can move forward in Data Collection. If the Clearance Results page is visited again and the individual's still meet criteria, the pop up box will appear again.

IL444-1925 Discrepancy Referral Form

Completed form 1925 are to be sent to the SSA PC unit via email DHS.SSAPC@Illinois.gov or mailed to:

Social Security Administration Programs Control Unit
PO Box 19112
Springfield, IL 62794-9112

or fax to 217-524-7554

Verification Sources

IES will display a hard stop message when a user attempts to use the verification source "Federal Data Service Hub/SSA" that will prevent the worker from navigating away from the Individual Information page. The following message will be displayed: Users cannot select an SSN verification source of "Federal Data Services Hub/SSA". This value can only be set by the SSA clearance. Please select a different verification source.

The following chart indicates the verification source options found in IES on the Individual Information page:

Verification Source Acceptable Verification ?
Client Statement No
Not Provided No
Not Verified No
Refused to Provide No
Conversion Yes
*Federal Data Services Hub/SSA Yes
Form 1925 Submitted Yes
Other Acceptable Yes
Verified by SSA/SOLQ Yes
Social Security Card Yes

* Can not be selected by workers.