UPDATED Notice of Funding Opportunity - Program 402 Suicide Prevention First Responders

DMH recently issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Program 402 Suicide Prevention First Responders. We have made changes to the eligibility requirements and the Summary and have posted a new NOFO for this program.

The new NOFO number for Program 402 Suicide Prevention First Responders is 444-22-2873-01R. All applicants must apply under this new NOFO number. There will also be a new application to submit which has the new NOFO number included on the first page. If you previously submitted an application packet, you will need to resubmit it using the new application and a new Program Narrative.

Applications and questions should be emailed to DHS.DMHGrantApp@illinois.gov using the correct Subject line listed in the NOFO.

The deadline to submit the required application materials for this revised Competitive (NOFO) program is June 14, 2022, NOON, Central Time.

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