Good Afternoon,
May the 4th be with you all today!
I recently met with the parents that operate a family resource group in the Bloomington/Peoria area called CIPSA, Central Illinois Parents of Special Adults. CIPSA meets the first Tuesday of each month from 5:30 - 7:30 pm in Morton, IL. They often have guest speakers or use the time to share resources and information. You can reach out to Maureen Groth to get the location and date of the next meeting at
My meeting inspired me to create a Family Support & Resource Group webpage dedicated to connecting families to peer support in their area. If you know of a family resource or support group and want me to share the information on our webpage, please reach out to me. You can check out the Family Support & Resource Group webpage.
The Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure, and Certification (BALC) is updating guidance related to changes they will be implementing regarding Office of State Fire Marshall (OSFM) violations specifically for CDS providers. BALC is hosting a webinar for providers on May 11, 2022 from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Providers can Register for the CDS/CMHC Environmental Safety and Mitigation Plan requirement Webinar now.
Last week the Division hosted a FY23 Budget Office Hours on the FY23 budget. You can find the slides attached to this communication. Thanks to all that attended. We had a few unanswered questions that are below.
Q: What is included in the base so we can see how the increase to 15.8% increase in admin might affect our rates?
A: The Administration percentage in both CDS (currently) and CILA (January 1, 2023, pending approval) is calculated on the "Program" components of the applicable rate. The Program components include staff, nursing, transportation, program support, consultants, and miscellaneous program supplies. In essence, all the base rate components except capital for CDS and Room and Board for CILA.
Q: Will these changes impact host family providers? Will they get the DSP increase?
A: The Staff components for relief and vacation staff will have the applicable wage increase factored into the Host Family reimbursement.
Q: Will the HRST multiplier impact ICILA and Host Family?
A: The HRST multiplier will only effect 24 Hour CILA rate calculations.
Q: Do BLS averages include regionality?
A: Yes, except for therapeutic services.
The Division, in partnership with the Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) are notifying our Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) for I/DD and State Operated Developmental Centers that effective July 1, 2022, DDD's Independent Service Coordination (ISC) Agencies will be providing annual outreach to individuals residing in those settings to satisfy the state's requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead to ensure individuals with I/DD are aware of all options for their support needs. An information bulletin will also be released in the coming days.
Annually, the ISC will be reaching out to all individuals, and their guardian(s), that are currently residing in an SODC as well as those who are residing in an ICF/DD and are not currently on the PUNS list. The purpose of this outreach will be to provide:
- Information on all Developmental Disability services available to the individual, including Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver funded services.
- Provide a date and time the ISC plans to be at the facility and would be available to meet.
- Offer of an in-person, virtual or telephonic meeting based on the individual and/or guardian's schedule to discuss options.
- Offer to register the individual on PUNS if interested in HCBS Waiver funded services and living in an ICF/DD.
The Division is sending official notification to our ICF/DDs and have notified our SODCS. The ISC will be reaching out to our ICF/DDs to discuss the list of individuals served, as well as gather additional information about the individual's service needs and/or guardian contact information. In most cases, the ISC was involved in the placement of the individual in the ICF/DD. The ISC will now have the responsibility to ensure individuals wish to remain in this setting ongoing. If you want to learn more, you can find information on our dedicated ADA/Olmstead Outreach webpage.
The Division is please to share with you An Evaluation of Person-Centered Planning in Illinois Adult DD Waiver Services from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Earlier this year, the Division of Developmental Disabilities engaged UIC to collect feedback, survey stakeholders and identify areas where we could strengthen the person-centered planning process. The Division's work is well underway. In the next month, we will be offering trainings based on the recommendations in the report as well as updated templates for use in the person-centered planning process. We are hopeful to implement the new processes by July 2022.
The Council on Quality & Leadership will be hosting an HCBS Settings Webinar specifically for people receiving services on May 6 at 1 pm. You can register in advance now.
This webinar will review the rights guaranteed by the HCBS Settings Rule for people receiving services. The webinar will be presented by Leanne Mull, Bob Peterson, and Tavarus Wesley. It was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities. CQL will be using Zoom's built-in live transcription (closed captioning) features during the webinar. If you need any additional reasonable accommodations, please let them know in the registration form.
Allison V. Stark
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Illinois Department of Human Services
600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
Tel: (217) 782 -6803