HCBS Settings Countdown: 322 days

HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 322 days

  1. HCBS Settings Office Hours - 10:30 am next week only! Office hours are being adjusted next week. As noted in our previous meeting office hours will continue as long as there is interest. As we move into the validation phase there might be questions as people receive compliance action plans. As always, here is the link to join office hours.
  2. We appreciate the 64% of sites that have submitted evidence thus far. For those who have not submitted or reached out to us, please email us ASAP at DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov. Outreach to organizations that have not yet submitted site evidence is ongoing. We appreciate your attention to our outreach as it is critical that you connect and complete the requirements in order to assure your site(s) can be found in compliance by March 2023.
  3. Healthy Sexuality Webinar link - On Wednesday, DDD held a Healthy Sexuality Webinar on the recent legislative requirements. Healthy Sexuality is also touched on in the HCBS Setting Rule. If you missed the webinar, you can check out the Healthy Sexuality Webinar Recording.
  4. Reminder - next Friday CQL and ICDD are hosting a webinar for people receiving services about the settings rule. Please share widely! Register in advance for this CQL and ICDD webinar.
  5. We appreciate the 64% of sites that have submitted evidence thus far. For those who have not submitted or reached out to us, please email us ASAP at DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov. Outreach to organizations that have not yet submitted site evidence is ongoing. We appreciate your attention to our outreach as it is critical that you connect and complete the requirements in order to assure your site(s) can be found in compliance by March 2023.