IMHPAC: Development Committee Minutes October 30, 2021


Meeting of the Development Committee - Friday October 29, 2021, 3:00 PM

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Ronald Melka at 3:01 pm.
    • In attendance: Co Chairs Ron Melka; Committee members Ray Connor and Nanette Larson; DMH staff Lee Ann Reinert, Courtney Aidich and Irwin Kerzner. Absent: Fred Freedman.
  2. Approval of Agenda: Ray moved, and Nanette seconded that the agenda was approved as presented. Motion carried.
  3. Approval of Minutes of the July 1, 2021, Meeting: Motion by Ray, second by Nanette to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
  4. Resignations: Ron notified the committee that Debbie Shepard and Margo Roethlisberger. No further action is required, per our bylaws.
  5. Applications for new membership: Ron reported that there have been many requests for new membership that Irwin has sent out. All applications approved by the Committee at this meeting will presented at the next meeting as part of a slate along with renewing terms of those current members whose terms have expired. According to the IMHPAC By-laws the slate is submitted and voted on as a whole. Votes on individual members are not allowed, though someone may nominate an alternative slate to be considered.
    • After reviewing each candidate, and those IMHPAC members that have agreed to have their membership renewed, the following slate Is presented to the membership for consideration as a whole. This is a committee motion and requires no second. If accepted, this will bring our total to 53 members out of a maximum of 55, with over a majority of consumers/family members/other.
    • Renewing Members New Members
      Yasmin Diodonet Gabrielle Tatara- Consumer
      Dr. Sidney Weissman, MD Karissa Yu -Consumer
      Amy Starin Maria Rosario- Consumer
      Chris Stohr, PhD Marianne Bithos- Consumer
      James Kellermann Meryl Sosa -Consumer
      Shirley Davis Dr. Ricardo Anderson - Provider
      John Fallon Shane Hassler-Consumer
      Scott Noble Tina Karaway -Provider
      Patty Johnstone Tracy Meinert-Consumer
      Michelle Churchey- Mims as the CBHA Rep replacing Terry Carmichael
  6. Election of Officers At this point we have no candidates for the positions of Consumer Co-Chair and Secretary. Nominations for that position can be taken from the floor, or submitted to the IMHPAC Secretary Thane Dykstra. 
  7. Public Comment: None 
  8. Adjournment: a motion for adjournment was made by Ray, seconded by Nanette. The motion carried unanimously at 4:06 pm.