January 19, 2022 - Agenda & Minutes


First section of meeting is open to the public. Actual review of mortality review cases is closed to the public.


9:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm




  • Welcome
  • Approval of Meeting Minutes: October 20, 2021
  • Hello and Goodbyes
  • Announcements
  • Frequency of Meetings
  • DHS OIG FY21 Annual Report
  • Adjournment of Open Meeting

Meeting Notes


  • Dennis Beedle, MD, Interim Chairperson
  • Stephen Dinwiddie, MD, Northwestern University
  • Anne Fitz, RN, Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Sarah Anderson, MD, Northwestern University Fellow
  • Fred Jones-Rosa, MD, Northwestern University Fellow
  • Stacey Aschemann, Equip For Equality
  • Mark Mackey, MD, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Randy Malan, RPh, Retired OCAPS
  • Chris Helfrich, RN, DD Homes Network
  • Amy Tarr, DHS/OIG Legislation
  • Sue Hughes, DHS/DMH Administrative Support

Welcome & Introductions

A quorum was met, and the open portion of the meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Dennis Beedle, MD at 9:06 a.m.

Dr. Beedle welcomed the group and thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Review of Previous Draft Meeting Report

The current voting members approved the meeting report from October 20, 2021 as written.

Hello and Goodbyes

We have no new members and no members currently leaving. Our next meeting will be the last meeting for the Northwestern Fellows.

DHS OIG FY21 Annual Report

The Annual OIG Report was sent previously for review. This is a required OIG report that is done annually. Amy Tarr stated the introduction and the conclusion written by the IG can be very useful information. There was a brief discussion on the speculation as to why the numbers were lower this year.

Stacey Aschemann asked on page 4, 1% was facility reportable. Does this mean only 1% of the calls were self-reports to the different providers? Amy stated, certain cases that are referred to facilities, some allegations may be more personnel issues and are handled through the facilities and then is reported back OIG as to what was done and then reported back to the victim or guardian as to what was done.

Frequency of Meetings

Continued discussion if it would be possible to have the meetings every two months instead of every three months starting this coming year with the new incoming fellows. The issue would be scheduling with the Northwestern Fellows. Dr. Dinwiddie stated one issue is Wednesday is court day and that may or may not cause conflict but would not know until the last minute. Dr. Dinwiddie will discuss with the Training Director and get her input.


The board has been using #ILEncrypt# for sending confidential information via e-mail. Amy Tarr stated she has been having issues with sending requested files that may be extra-large. #ILEncrypt# will not send anything over 50 pages and some files requested could be up to 1,000 pages and therefore, DoIT stated Entrust would need to be used for large files. One member uses a MacBook and Entrust will not function with that. The group has decided #ILEncrypt# will still be used for smaller files and Entrust will be set up with the group for large files, with the exception of the MacBook member and if he requires a large file it will be determined at that time how it will be sent.

Case Reviews

 Twelve level 2 cases reviewed, and one level 1 case reviewed.

The open meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. and the closed meeting began at 9:26 a.m.

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, 2022, via Webex