HCBS Settings Countdown: 336 days

HCBS Settings Countdown: 336

Important Uploading Information for the HFS Portal!

When you are uploading documents for a specific site, please submit the site evidence together otherwise the site shows up multiple times and causes issues with tracking compliance. If you have already uploaded evidence for the same site multiple times we will address that internally but all future uploads should be site specific. To upload all documents for a specific site (at one time) you will do the following:

  • Go to the HFS Portal, fill out the provider name, verification type and contact information.
  • Click Choose Files. Hold down the Ctrl button and select all relevant files and click open.
  • You will see the number of files you clicked next to the Choose files button.
  • Then click submit.

We continue to encourage you to zip your files (for help here is a Microsoft tutorial). If your file is too big, you can split it into 2 or 3 zipped files and then follow the previous instructions on how to submit them together for the site.

DDD HCBS Settings Office Hours

Reminder, every Tuesday at 10 am, you can bring your questions to office hours. There is no registration, just a link to join.

CQL Resources

The Council on Quality & Leadership (CQL) has been funded by the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD) to help provide individual and group technical assistance on the HCBS Settings. CQL shared these videos for people receiving services and families. They are linked below you can also find them on the CQL Resource webpage. There is a list of videos and guides near the bottom of the page.