Belleville Cluster LAC Kick-Off Meeting

(Includes Belleville, East St. Louis, and Cahokia Heights)

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.

via Zoom

Objectives: To meet to discuss review of the toolkit, profiles, next steps, and action items.

  1. How does this align/not align with what you know about your community?
  2. How does this data help you start shaping your goals?
  3. What additional information do you need to inform your decisions?
  • Members discussed their reflections on the different data profiles which included: seeing a difference if you look at graduation dates. There are differences compared to Bellville from the other two locations. The idea behind youth development and after school programs.
  • Members discussed what they see in their data profile which included: Cahokia Heights does not have constructive programs for youth and young adults, East St. Louis and Cahokia Heights has few factories jobs, Bellville has the courthouse that is the larger employers and school districts more service opportunities but there are no real community spaces and across the income guidelines it shows differences.
  • Members discussed types of employers in Cahokia Heights. There is not a lot of business or opportunities, and no activity community centers were noted.
  • Members shared a List 5 things which will help to provide sustainable communities.

Training programs for people to move forward

  • Homeless issue
  • Higher income
  • Opening dialogue with the youth
  • Transportation