December 2021 Overdose Funding Report

Funding Details

Grant Award Start Date End Date Years Funded Current Year Total Award (In Millions)
SOR I October 2018 September 2021 2 $16* $73.1
SOR II September 2020 September 2022 2 $36.7 $73.5

*amount of No Cost Extension ending 9/29/2021

The Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Substance Use Prevention and recovery (IDHS/SUPR) has been awarded multiple grants to address the opioid crisis, from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This report focuses on the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant funding. Past Overdose Response Funding has been removed from this report and can be obtained by request from .

The grants include initiatives that align with the State Overdose Action Plan (SOAP). The SOAP forms the strategic framework for addressing the overdose epidemic in Illinois, setting a statewide goal of reducing the number of overdose deaths, and formulating a set of evidence-based strategies to achieve this goal. The SOAP focuses on efforts in five categories:

  1. Social Equity
  2. Prevention
  3. Treatment and Recovery
  4. Harm Reduction
  5. Justice-Involved Populations and Public Safety

Each priority includes a set of metrics that will be used to document our progress. The programs supported through these grants are designed to address the range of serious overdose-related problems and issues that are being experienced among residents across Illinois. These programs primarily aim to address the overdose crisis by expanding the availability of medication assisted treatment (MAR), improving the quality of the MAR provided, enhancing access to treatment, reducing overdose related deaths, increasing public awareness of overdose-related problems and expanding access to the resources that are available to address these problems. More IDHS resources about opioids. (-(

IDHS/SUPR will post new opportunities for competitive bids through the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process included in Illinois' implementation of the Government Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) requirements. Further information about these projects will be available as new NOFOs are released on SUPR's NOFO page  - (

*Population-based activities, such as public awareness campaigns, the Helpline, and Naloxone distribution, are not included in this number but are summarized below.

December 2021 Update and Summary

From July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021, 4,928 persons with opioid use disorder have been served through the outreach, treatment, and recovery support services supported through the SOR grant.

As of March 2020, SUPR has begun using the term Medication Assisted Recovery (MAR) to replace the term Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). Medication Assisted Recovery (MAR) includes the use of evidence- based FDA approved medications (e.g., methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, disulfiram, acamprosate) for individuals with a substance use disorder (SUD) who are in recovery. The term MAR recognizes that individuals who take medications to manage their SUD who identify in recovery are in recovery since often these medications are prescribed long term and are used outside of treatment. Older documents might still use the term MAT. Please see guidance here:,_Issue_XXVII_-_Medication_Assisted_Recovery_(MAR).pdf


IDHS/SUPR received notice of an award from SAMHSA for the next round of SOR funding of $36.7 million. The project period is 9/30/2020 through 9/29/2022, for a total of $73.5 million over two years. SUPR continues to fund the work of programs in this report and has initiated some new projects as well. These include: MAR Integration for Justice-Involved Populations; Leadership Centers; and Access Narcan. Descriptions of these projects are included in this report. As always, new Notice of Funding Opportunities will be posted here:

Prevention Initiatives

Illinois Opioid Crisis Helpline SOR funds support a statewide 24-hour, 7-day/week, 365 day/year helpline for persons with OUD-related issues. The Helpline was launched on December 5, 2017 and has received 58,954 calls as of December 31, 2021. The Helpline's website was launched in March 2018 and has received 283,272 visits by 214,995 unique individuals as of December 31, 2021. During 2020, texting was added to the Helpline telephone technology, and a chat function was added to the Helpline website, opening more opportunities for people to seek and receive help. New marketing campaigns were implemented statewide, including television ads in the Chicago market to focus on the West Side heroin epidemic. The Recovery Housing registry is now managed by the Helpline. Additionally, Helpline partnered with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) to design a harm reduction campaign, leading people to resources for syringe services, fentanyl test strips, and other harm reduction supports. Results of those campaigns will be shared in an upcoming report.

Improved Medical Provider Electronic Health Record (EHR) The Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) receives Controlled Substance prescription data from retail pharmacies which enables prescribers and dispensers to view the historical data for current and prospective patients. Prescribers are required to review the PMP when considering opioids for individual patients, but this manual process is burdensome for medical practitioners in a busy practice. IDHS/SUPR is supporting a portion of the PMP's PMPnow campaign, an effort to support improved opioid prescriber reporting in commonly used EHR systems among Illinois medical provider systems. These "automated connections" make it more convenient for prescribers to check the PMP through their EHR, rather than logging into an external system. Senate Bill 722 (SB722), which took effect on January 1, 2018, mandates that all prescribers possessing an Illinois Control Substance license must register with the PMP. The PMP attributes the new law, along with the increase in automated connections, to a massive influx of PMP registrations. As of December 31, 2021, there were 1,253 PMP/EHR connectivity implementations (PMPnow), and 76,818 registered PMP users. As of December 31, 2021, 8,558,489 searches were conducted through PMP now requests. More information on PMPnow can be found here:

OUD Public Awareness Activities - IDHS/SUPR supports a regional program that focuses on the risk of increased access to opioid pain medications for student-athletes. The Student Athlete Opioid Use Prevention Project conducts educational and awareness activities that target high school coaches, athletic directors, parents, and student-athletes regarding the misuse and risk of misuse of prescribed opiate pain medications by youth athletes. These activities include training on the Rx Playbook and dissemination of awareness promoting key messages, partnering with key organizations who focus on High School athletes, collaborating with existing prevention resources to promote key messages, promoting the Rx Playbook to targeted High Schools, and establishing social media connections with targeted schools and athletes attending those schools. As of December 31, 2021, the Rx Playbook has been shared at 41 county, statewide, and national events and conferences, reaching 3,087 school staff, parents, and/or community members. Comprehensive opioid education and awareness materials have been distributed to over 163 prevention providers and grantees (CSUPS, CDC-DFC, SUPS). Social media activities include a total of 126,515 reaches on Twitter, 286,025 reaches on Facebook, and 63,124 engagements on Instagram page. The project website received in total over 42,231 page views with 4,841 visits to the Rx Playbook pages. The website has a membership of 259 individuals. In addition, the project has launched 4 self-paced online training courses, The Athletic Trainer's Role in Opioid Education (, Adolescent's and Opioids (, Opioids 101 (, and Be Your Own Best Advocate ( Other accomplishments include a December 2021 presentation at the annual IAHPERD Convention, connecting with 27 Illinois based coaches and educators and providing resources to 1,425 additional school educators, coaches, and administrators. The project team attends 11 reoccurring (monthly and quarterly) coalition and community-based meetings in 10 of 15 target counties.

An increasing need was identified to demystify Medication Assisted Recovery (MAR) and encourage both prescribers and patients to discuss its effectiveness in treating OUDs, what using medications to treat a SUD signifies in the context of recovery, and ultimately its effectiveness in decreasing overdose deaths. This led to the development and implementation of the Rethink Recovery campaign. Rethink Recovery is a statewide public awareness campaign that seeks to increase an openness and interest in MAR) among those at high risk of overdose. This campaign provides education and resources directly to those in-need and their support systems including medical providers and loved ones, to facilitate the first steps towards recovery.

New reach numbers are being reported to reflect the change in the ADOT campaign. As of December 31, 2021, the ADOT campaign has 9,189,678 Social Media Impressions (Social Media Impressions are the number of times that paid or unpaid content was displayed/seen by someone), 2,521,877 Social Media Engagements (Social Media Engagements are the number of actions a person took on campaign content, including post likes/reactions, photo views, link clicks, post saves, video/gif completions, shares/retweets, comments/replies, and page likes/follows), and 34,554 Website Sessions (Website Sessions are a single visit to a campaign website. As of December 31, 2021, for the Rethink Recovery campaign, there have been 18,668 Website Sessions, 99,164 Social Media Impressions, 1,221 Social Media Engagements, and 146 pdf downloads.

Student Athlete OUD Primary Prevention Services- IDHS/SUPR supports a regional program that focuses on the risk of increased access to opioid pain medications for student-athletes. The Student Athlete Opioid Use Prevention Project conducts educational and awareness activities that target high school coaches, athletic directors, parents, and student-athletes regarding the misuse and risk of misuse of prescribed opiate pain medications by youth athletes. These activities include training on the Rx Playbook and dissemination of awareness promoting key messages, collaborating with key organizations who focus on High School athletes, collaborating with existing prevention resources to promote key messages, promoting the Rx Playbook to targeted High Schools, and establishing social media connections with targeted schools and athletes attending those schools. As of December 31, 2021, the Rx Playbook has been shared at 41 county, statewide, and national events and conferences, reaching 3,087 school staff, parents, and/or community members. Comprehensive opioid education and awareness materials have been distributed to over 163 prevention providers and grantees (CSUPS, CDC-DFC, SUPS). Social media activities include a total of 126,515 reaches on Twitter, 286,025 reaches on Facebook, and 63,124 engagements on Instagram page. The project website received in total over 42,231 page views with 4,841 visits to the Rx Playbook pages. The website has a membership of 259 individuals. In addition, the project has launched 4 self-paced online training courses, The Athletic Trainer's Role in Opioid Education (, Adolescent's and Opioids (, Opioids 101 (, and Be Your Own Best Advocate ( In December, the team presented at the annual IAHPERD Convention on December 2nd, where we were able to connect with 27 Illinois based coaches and educators. We also had a resource table set up for both days of the event and were able to reach about 1,425 additional school educators, coaches, and administration. In the next coming months, the SOR team will be in the process of developing new content regarding stimulants including, presentation content, a new online learning course, as well and digital and print materials. We are looking forward to publishing and sharing the content once it is complete. In November, we hired on a new Digital and Marketing Specialist that will be working part-time on the SOR project to help the team continue to grow our presence in the digital field across the state. During December, we trained our new part-time staff in SOR social media and content creation both digitally and for print material needs as we move into Q3 plans. The SOR team currently attends 11 reoccurring (monthly and quarterly) coalition and community based meetings in 10 of our 15 target counties.

Expansion of OUD Primary Prevention Services - IDHS/SUPR awarded ORF grant funds to a cadre of primary prevention providers, who are already networked with Illinois schools, to support implementation of the evidence based My Generation Rx program. My Generation Rx, the adolescent version of Generation Rx, educates teens about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications. It includes resources designed to educate teens about the importance of using medications safely, as well as teaching teens the key skills needed to turn down invitations to misuse substances and positive alternatives to cope with the demands of life. During the 2018/2019 school year, more than 16,900 youth received this evidenced-based opioid focused education across Illinois across 68 prevention provider organization sites. The number of youths served during the 2019/2020 school year decreased due to the pandemic's impact on youth reach. As of October 31, 2020, 10,397 youth have been served through 44 prevention provider organization sites for the 2019/2020 school year. In November, the team attended the third and final presentation of the Get Real About Drug Series at Hononegah High School in Winnebago County. This was done in partnership with the district superintendent and The Live R.E.A.L Foundation.

Treatment and Recovery Initiatives

Access to Medication Assisted Recovery (A-MAR) Networks Over 90% of Illinois citizens live in a county with at least one form of MAR available. However, there are 39 Illinois counties that are considered "MAR deserts", with no MAR providers located within their geographic boundaries. One of IDHS/SUPR's approaches to increase access to MAR is via the AMAR Project. The AMAR Project utilizes a "Hub and Spoke" model, the goal of which is to have a substantial population center working with the surrounding "MAR desert" areas. Illinois has implemented five AMAR Networks, two that were implemented in November 2018 (one in central Illinois and the other in the southern area of the state) and an additional three that began client admissions in June 2019. All five networks were identified via the NOFO process. Through December 31, 2021, 1,276 clients have been admitted to MAR through these service networks. More information about this project, including a map of the AMAR locations, is posted at

Residential Stabilization Centers for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder - These resources are targeted to the current gap in the service continuum for persons with OUD who lack housing and other supports to effectively engage in MAR during the early stage of their recovery process. Residential/inpatient care is expensive and unnecessarily restrictive for many persons with MAR, but many individuals still need safe, stable, temporary housing and supports like clothing, meals, and access to mental health services and primary health care.

Through the NOFO process three providers were identified, and one provider began services in September 2019. As of December 31, 2021, 644 clients have been admitted to the Residential Stabilization Centers.

Recovery Homes- Recovery Homes are alcohol and drug free homes whose rules, peer-led groups, staff activities and/or other structured operations are meant to help with maintaining sobriety. ORF grants have allowed IDHS/SUPR to expand Recovery Home services for persons with OUD who have unstable living arrangements and are active in some form of MAR. Through the state's NOFO process, three recovery home organizations were identified to provide expanded services for persons with OUD in June 2017, four were identified in August 2018, and four more awards were made effective on July 1, 2019.As of December 31, 2021, 874 clients have been admitted to a recovery home.

More information about recovery homes can be found here:

Correctional Facility-Based MAR Services Injectable naltrexone is the form of medication assistance for OUD that is most often preferred by correctional facility administrators because it has no risk of diversion. Federal ORF grant funds support six organizations providing injectable Naltrexone services for persons with OUD in county jails and at the Sheridan Correctional Center, one of Illinois' prisons.

These services consist of screening, assessment, initial injections, and post-release treatment referrals before discharge. Services have been implemented at 18 county jails, with services in the planning stage at several additional jails. Through December 31, 2021 373 persons have been served. About 95% of these offenders were admitted by the community-based treatment providers to which they were referred.

Learning Collaborative to Support MAR Implementation for the Justice-Involved Population in Illinois Counties This program offers expert technical assistance (TA) for county teams starting or expanding medication assisted recovery (MAR) programs in their jail with continued recovery support in the community post-release. It expands upon the injectable naltrexone project by moving counties towards offering all three forms of federally approved medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD.) Currently eight jails (Kane, Kendall, Grundy, Will, Lake, DuPage, Iroquois, LaSalle) are participating in the program with their county team that includes custody officers, SUD and BH healthcare providers, probation, health departments, and others.

Leadership Centers Five organizations were chosen to support the development of a comprehensive statewide network to assess and move persons with SUD through treatment and recovery, helping to bring together the numerous programs created in IL in response to the overdose crisis. Centers plan, develop and manage relationships and connections between traditional SUD services and the medical system, integrating prevention, treatment, and recovery. Centers expand the use of recovery support services within each region and through their provider networks, including interventions for co-occurring medical/mental illness. This program is still in start-up and continues to evolve.

Co-Located Hospital Warm Hand-off Services Patients who arrive at a hospital emergency department (ED) after an overdose reversal are at high risk of subsequent overdose. Additionally, patients in other hospital departments June have undiagnosed OUD. Hospitals don't typically screen for substance use disorders routinely, so patients with OUD are not often discharged with a referral to address their opioid use. Hospital Warm Hand-off Services involve robust, evidence-based screening and referral to treatment. Peer recovery support specialists "warm up" the referral to MAR services by going beyond providing a written referral or scheduling an appointment. It involves establishing a collaborative relationship with the patient, providing practical, personalized support for entering and adhering to treatment, and, in coordination with treatment providers, delivering ongoing recovery support services based upon patient needs. Five organizations have been contracted to provide ORF grant-supported co- located screening and warm hand-off services for persons with OUD in Illinois hospitals. The Co- located Hospital Warm Hand-off Services have been initiated at 15 hospitals and multiple Cook County Health (CCH) locations, with 8,482 patients served through December 31, 2021. Over 70% of these patients were admitted by the community- based treatment providers to which they were referred following discharge.

Hospital Screening and Warm Handoff Services This is an expansion of the Co-Located Hospital Warm Hand-off Services, whereby hospitals provide grant-supported services directly rather than through sub agreements with external organizations. These services build upon the co-located hospital warm hand- off ORF grant awards in that services will be available throughout the hospital, and at more extended period time. Service delivery is consistent with the evidence-based Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) model that has been the focus of multiple SAMHSA-funded cooperative agreements and discretionary grants. The number of patients screened positive for OUD and referred to treatment post discharge is 3,751 through December 31, 2021

Rush University Hospital Multi-Disciplinary Programs IDHS/SUPR funds support multiple programs within Rush University Hospital, which is located on the west side of Chicago. As of July 2021, Rush provided Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) services to 25,813 patients, of whom 6,149 screened positive for any SUD, with 2,600 of these patients screening positive for OUD. Buprenorphine services were initiated for 559 patients, 345 patients were referred to other MAR services, and 661 non-OUD patients were referred to external SUD providers.

Community-based Outreach/Linkage/Referral Services Specialized and specific community-based outreach, referral, and linkage services are offered for persons with OUD in high-need areas. As a means of identifying individuals who are currently using heroin or other illicit opioids, peer outreach workers canvass multiple locations that are frequented by high-risk individuals, such as parks, street corners, public transportation stations, mini-marts, and liquor stores. Through the end of December 2021: 8,002 persons were provided outreach services; 5,308 of these persons screened positive for opioid and other illegal substance use and expressed an interest in treatment; 3,092 of these completed a meeting with a linkage manager; and 2,461 presented for the treatment intake.

Service Enhancement for Pregnant and Postpartum Women with OUD Enhanced services are made available to pregnant and postpartum women with OUD by staff who are certified in the following evidenced-based practices: Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT), Motivational Interviewing, Seeking Safety, Real Life Parenting, Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Employment. The staffing pattern for the supported enhancement will include Doula Certified Recovery Coaches. A Doula Certified Recovery Coach is a person in active recovery who obtains dual certification as both a birth and a postpartum doula to assist the recovering mother through prenatal and postpartum phases, and with recovery from her addiction. Services have been initiated by the five providers which were selected through the NOFO process. As of December 31, 2021, 1,202 women have been admitted to these enhanced services more information about this project is posted at

Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) MAR in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) The intent of this initiative is to increase the number of persons who are receiving MAR at FQHCs in Illinois. FQHCs can bill Medicaid for the medications and supportive services that make up MAR, so this grant will support services for patients that are not Medicaid-eligible, and services that are not Medicaid-billable. Such services include case management and recovery support services. Through the NOFO process five providers were identified and services began in November 2019. As of December 31, 2021, 67 clients have been admitted to these services.

Digital Toolkit Recovery Support Services In order to retain patients in MAR and offer additional supports, Illinois Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) and SUPR-licensed providers have been awarded funds and technical assistance to develop digital recovery support toolkits including secure messaging, web resources, and recovery support mobile applications (apps) for persons with OUD who are active in some form of MAR. Through the NOFO process five providers were identified and began services in December 2019. As of December 31, 2021, 451 clients have been admitted to these services.

Technical Assistance for MAR Providers Rush Fellowship has developed a comprehensive weekend program for training and supporting medical staff to prescribe and treat individuals with the medication buprenorphine. Patients with OUD can be medically complex and sometimes medical staff are hesitant to treat these patients. The purpose of the program is to provide technical assistance to office-based buprenorphine prescribers in Illinois, especially within counties with limited or no current access to MAR. Physicians who have successfully begun prescribing buprenorphine share their challenges, successes and words of wisdom to assist their colleagues in breaking down the challenges to providing MAR. There have been six cohorts participate in an immersion weekend, held by Rush, since November 2018. A total of 163 prescribers have participated. Training of a 7th Cohort will begin in January 2022. Ongoing technical assistance, including coaching and additional training, is being provided to these cohorts. Several rural counties are represented by prescribers who have thus far enrolled, and senior fellows who have been through the training are now assisting to gain experience for mentoring in their own communities.

Response Initiatives

Expanded Naloxone Purchase/Training/Distribution Services Naloxone is a medication that reverses an overdose by blocking opioids, including prescription opioids, heroin, and fentanyl. Federal funds are used for naloxone purchase, training, and distribution to traditional first responders like law enforcement officers and fire departments as well as non-traditional first responders like people who use drugs, friends and family members of people who use drugs, and other bystanders or community members who June witness an opioid overdose. As December 31, 2021, there have been 84,162 traditional and non-traditional first responders trained, over 125,778 naloxone kits have been distributed, and 6,961 reported overdose reversals.. Beginning in July of 2021, SUPR has instituted a program "Access Narcan" that allows organizations interested in distributing Narcan to apply online to become a Drug Overdose Prevention Program (DOPP) and order Narcan, paid for by the State. More information can be found here:

Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA)

CRA is an evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders and has been shown to be effective for both stimulant and opioid use disorders, especially in combination with contingency management. CRA training is for clinicians and clinical supervisors. SUPR funds this training for any of our treatment providers where appropriate. During the period of January 31, 2021 through September 29, 2021, 176 individuals have completed CRA training workshops. Of the 176 trainees, 52 are currently working on certification, and 11 recently attended November, January, March, May, or July trainings. Another training began in September 2021 and 9 persons registered for this training. For more information about the CRA model, training, and certification, visit

Data and Outcomes

IDHS/SUPR has taken multiple steps to comply with SAMHSA expectations regarding administration of the CSAT GPRA tool to each person who participates in the treatment and recovery services supported by this grant. The Illinois SOR grant has a two-year cumulative target of 4,500 unduplicated clients for the 10 service programs that contribute to this target.

Illinois SOR-I funded services have been provided to more than double the grant target of 4,500 clients since project start. 9,525 clients have been recruited over the entire grant period, including 3,980 during the current reporting period. Of the 7706 participants due for a 6-month follow up since project start, 6527 follow-ups were completed.

For the SOR-I project as a whole (6527 records with both a baseline and 6-month follow up):

  • There were statistically significant reductions from the month before intake to the month before follow up in 15+ days using heroin/opioids (71% to 18%), as well as decreases in 15+ days use of other substance including cocaine/crack (16% to 4%).
  • Participants also experienced significant decreases in mental health symptoms, including reductions in 15+ days of anxiety (30% to 21%) and depression (27% to 17%), and experiencing physical health problems (57% to 36% reporting poor/fair health).
  • Conversely, there were significant increases in 15+ times utilizing substance use treatment including MAT (22% to 47%).
  • Improvement in these domains was also seen in the majority of SOR service types. There was some variability in outcomes across service types, reflecting the differences in baseline levels of severity among participants in the different service types.

For the SOR-II project, Illinois SOR-II has recruited and provided 1,030 clients with SOR-funded services during the current time frame. Of the 361 participants due for a 6-month follow up to date, 249 follow-ups have been completed (69%). Among the 249 clients with both a baseline and 6-month follow up:

  • There were statistically significant reductions from the month before intake to the month before follow up in 15+ days using heroin/opioids (37% to 11%), as well as decreases in 15+ days use of other substances including cocaine/crack/methamphetamines (19% to 6%).
  • Participants also experienced significant decreases in mental health symptoms, including reductions in 15+ days of anxiety (34% to 21%), and in physical health problems (56% to 33% reporting poor/fair health).
  • Conversely, there were significant increases in 15+ times utilizing substance use treatment including MAT (26% to 36%).
  • Improvements in these domains were generally seen within each SOR-II service type. There was some variability in outcomes across service types, reflecting the differences in baseline levels of severity among participants in the different service types.

Summary of Funding Sources

Provided below is a brief overview of the funding sources, collectively referenced as the Overdose Response Funding and described above. Each of these grants were awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Grants that have ended have been removed from this report.

Grant to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose Related Deaths (IPDO) Illinois received IPDO (SP022140) in 2016. It is a five-year discretionary grant funded at $1 million/year. The goals of the project are to 1) expand the existing infrastructure responsible for assessing, planning, and implementing strategies to prevent overdose-related deaths; 2) reduce the numbers of overdose- related deaths in six high-need counties; 3) increase the availability of Naloxone to first responders; and measure the short and long-term outcomes of the program. The total award is $5 million, and the grant period is September 2016 - August 2021.

State Opioid Response (SOR) Grant

SOR-I: Illinois initially received $29.0 million in grant funding for two years (TI081699) through the SAMHSA SOR Grant. SOR Year 1 funds were increased through a supplemental award of $15.1 million. The grant period is from October 2018 - September 2020, and funds total $73.1 million. These funds support the expansion of treatment and recovery support interventions across the state, MAR services for individuals with OUD who are incarcerated in county jails, and resources for hospitals to help link patients experiencing opioid overdoses to treatment programs in their communities. Housing for persons in recovery from opioid use disorder and supportive services for patients at FQHCs are also supported as part of the grant. The award also strengthens and enhances the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP), to continue the state's efforts to prevent the misuse of prescription opioids. In addition, this grant continues support of the availability of naloxone.

SOR-II: In September 2020, Illinois received $36.7million in grant funding from SAMHSA for the next year of SOR funding. (SOR-II) A second year is contingent on fund availability. The grant period is from Sept 30, 2020 through Sept 29, 2021. Projects in development under the new grant include: expansion of medication assisted recovery and support for persons involved in the criminal justice system; enhanced support for federally qualified health centers to enhance their treatment and support of persons with opioid use disorder; creation of regional centers to coordinate the provider systems and networks within their regions. Additionally, this grant expands the pool of those who can be served to now include persons with stimulant use disorder. All programs funded through this award will either expand existing effective programs or will be developed as pilots and put out for bid through the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process included in Illinois' implementation of the Government Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) requirements. See here for more info on NOFOs: