HCBS Settings Compliance Countdown: 343


Thank you to all those who have already submitted policy and site evidence. We appreciate your focus on getting this done to help us move forward on validation.

DDD HCBS Settings Office Hours

Reminder, every Tuesday at 10 am, you can bring your questions to office hours. There is no registration, just a link to join.

Uploading Evidence

  • If you find yourself having issues with uploading your files, your internet speed could be an issue especially for uploading bigger files. If you cannot find a place with higher internet speeds, we recommend that you break up your files into smaller zipped files and upload those one at a time.
  • We continue to encourage you to zip your files as well as watch to make sure your file size is less than 100MB. HFS indicated that although files can be up to 100 MB it is better if they are a few MBs less than that. If you are using photos, please save them in low resolution. We discourage using videos as we are concerned about the zip drive size per site. Review to make sure you aren't sending full documents of person centered plans or implementation strategies but instead are sending just the relevant pages.
  • If you continue to have issues, please email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov.

Office Hours Questions

Clarification on Category #4 - The setting optimizes, but does not regiment, individual initiative, autonomy, and independence in making life choices, including but not limited to daily activities, physical environments and with whom they interact: Settings category 4 is focused on making sure people have choice.

Question: We are having to add a significant number of implementation strategies to meet the HCBS requirements. Normally, the person-centered plan drives the implementation process. Given that ISC's can update personal plans as a person's annual discovery process comes up, is it ok that we are creating implementation strategies that aren't driven by the current version of the personnel plan?

Answer: Providers should not be creating new implementation strategies to demonstrate compliance with settings. The ISC is directly related to the Personal Plan. You can submit that you will include updated implementation strategies during the next person centered planning (PCP) process. If you have evidence that shows there was an area of risk and the restrictions or modifications you took to mitigate them you can provide a summary.

Question: For training and communication purposes with our teams, individuals and families, can you further explain the phrase "optimizes but does not regiment individual autonomy" in Factors 4a-c? Can you give examples for home and day?

Per the settings rule, individual initiative means people decide what they want for themselves, autonomy means being as independent someone wants and choices mean people have options for services. 4a-c focus on initiative, autonomy and independence as it relates to daily activities, physical environment and with whom to interact. Evidence could include:

Implementation Evidence:

  • Examples of person-centered plans and implementation strategies that vary among individuals based on their individual preferences on scheduling of service provision and activities
  • Examples/calendars of a variety of individuals' schedules for either the home or the CDS that show that different activities were offered at the same time.
  • Examples or pictures of assistive technology and environmental modifications that allow individuals to access common areas of the setting and/or enter and exit the setting.
  • Examples of person-centered plans and implementation strategies that support individual autonomy to enter/exit settings as they wish.
  • Evidence of individual and/or representative consent to modifications, documentation within the person-centered plan and implementation strategy of behavioral support plan.
  • Evidence that visitors have been present at regular frequencies.
  • For CDS, evidence that the setting has procedures in place to accommodate visitors during the day.
  • Examples of ways a site has worked with an individual to accommodate a visitor during the day.
  • Evidence that individuals receiving supports and their families/guardians have received notice of right to receive visits.
  • Examples of person-centered plans/implementation strategies that support an individual's ability to independently enjoy life, with and without staff support.
  • Proof of sex education. If restricted, evidence the restriction went through the Human Rights Committee.
  • Evidence of training on internet safety and safe ways to use the internet to meet people and interact.

Updated Frequently Asked Questions

Don't miss the IDHS: Residency Agreement Frequently Asked Questions 3-24-22 (state.il.us) and updated Frequently Asked Questions 2-25-22. We will continue to respond to questions as the arise and will eventually incorporate all FAQs together. Check out IDHS: Division of Developmental Disabilities HCBS Settings Rule Compliance under resources for the initial FAQ and the new webinar FAQs.