Indicator 4: Family Involvement

Instructions and Measurement

Monitoring Priority: Early Intervention Services In Natural Environments

Results indicator: Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family:

  1. Know their rights;
  2. Effectively communicate their children's needs; and
  3. Help their children develop and learn.

(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(A) and 1442)

Data Source

State selected data source. State must describe the data source in the SPP/APR.


  1. Percent = [(# of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family know their rights) divided by the (# of respondent families participating in Part C)] times 100.
  2. Percent = [(# of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family effectively communicate their children's needs) divided by the (# of respondent families participating in Part C)] times 100.
  3. Percent = [(# of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn) divided by the (# of respondent families participating in Part C)] times 100.


Sampling of families participating in Part C is allowed. When sampling is used, submit a description of the sampling methodology outlining how the design will yield valid and reliable estimates. (See General Instructions page 2 for additional instructions on sampling.)

Provide the actual numbers used in the calculation.

Describe the results of the calculations and compare the results to the target.

While a survey is not required for this indicator, a State using a survey must submit a copy of any new or revised survey with its SPP/APR.

Report the number of families to whom the surveys were distributed and the number of respondent families participating in Part C. The survey response rate is auto calculated using the submitted data.

States will be required to compare the current year's response rate to the previous year(s) response rate(s), and describe strategies that will be implemented which are expected to increase the response rate year over year, particularly for those groups that are underrepresented.

The State must also analyze the response rate to identify potential nonresponse bias and take steps to reduce any identified bias and promote response from a broad cross section of families that received Part C services.

Include the State's analysis of the extent to which the demographics of the infants or toddlers for whom families responded are representative of the demographics of infants and toddlers receiving services in the Part C program. States should consider categories such as race/ethnicity, age of infant or toddler, and geographic location in the State.

States must describe the metric used to determine representativeness (e.g., +/- 3% discrepancy in the proportion of responders compared to target group)

If the analysis shows that the demographics of the infants or toddlers for whom families responded are not representative of the demographics of infants and toddlers receiving services in the Part C program, describe the strategies that the State will use to ensure that in the future the response data are representative of those demographics. In identifying such strategies, the State should consider factors such as how the State distributed the survey to families (e.g., by mail, by e-mail, on-line, by telephone, in-person), if a survey was used, and how responses were collected.

Beginning with the FFY 2022 SPP/APR, due February 1, 2024, when reporting the extent to which the demographics of the infants or toddlers for whom families responded are representative of the demographics of infants and toddlers enrolled in the Part C program, States must include race and ethnicity in its analysis. In addition, the State's analysis must also include at least one of the following demographics: socioeconomic status, parents or guardians whose primary language is other than English and who have limited English proficiency, maternal education, geographic location, and/or another demographic category approved through the stakeholder input process.

States are encouraged to work in collaboration with their OSEP-funded parent centers in collecting data.

4 - Indicator Data

Measure Baseline FFY 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
A 2010 Target Greater or = 69.70% 70.00% 70.30% 70.60% 70.60%
A 67.82% Data 74.14% 73.14% 71.88% 72.57% 75.12%
B 2010 Target Greater or = 77.90% 78.20% 78.50% 78.80% 78.80%
B 76.51% Data 79.03% 78.37% 77.06% 78.43% 80.50%
C 2010 Target Greater or = 74.50% 74.80% 75.10% 75.40% 75.40%
C 74.31% Data 77.30% 77.09% 76.06% 77.47% 78.52%

Historical Data


FFY 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Target A Target Greater or = 70.60% 67.87% 67.92% 67.97% 68.97% 69.97%
Target B Target Greater or = 78.80% 77.00% 77.05% 77.10% 77.20% 77.35%
Target C Target Greater or = 75.40% 76.25% 76.32% 76.37% 76.47% 76.57%

Targets: Description of Stakeholder Input

Illinois received stakeholder input via the Child & Family Outcomes workgroup and the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention (IICEI). The Child & Family Outcomes workgroup helped set the targets that were approved by the IICEI. The workgroup routinely reviews the data and makes recommendations about improvements to the state's processes. The workgroup has recently been expanded to include family members.

FFY 2020 SPP/APR Data

Category Response
The number of families to whom surveys were distributed 16,634
Number of respondent families participating in Part C 2,489
Survey Response Rate 14.96%
A1. Number of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family know their rights 1,799
A2. Number of responses to the question of whether early intervention services have helped the family know their rights 2,489
B1. Number of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family effectively communicate their children's needs 1,850
B2. Number of responses to the question of whether early intervention services have helped the family effectively communicate their children's needs 2,414
C1. Number of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn 1,790
C2. Number of responses to the question of whether early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn 2,343
Measure FFY 2019 Data FFY 2020 Target FFY 2020 Data Status Slippage
A. Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family know their rights (A1 divided by A2) 75.12% 70.60% 72.28% Met target No Slippage
B. Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family effectively communicate their children's needs (B1 divided by B2) 80.50% 78.80% 76.64% Did not meet target Slippage
C. Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn (C1 divided by C2) 78.52% 75.40% 76.40% Met target No Slippage

Provide reasons for part B slippage, if applicable

We have heard from stakeholders that this has been a particularly challenging year for families due to increased demands related to the pandemic. We feel that this is reflected in the general downward trend of all three outcomes. We are also hearing from more families and so this reporting may include families that we would not have traditionally heard from in the past. This may also be impacting the downward trend. We also note attrition (roughly 150 fewer responses) as the survey continues as noted in A2, B2, and C2. We have changed the order of questions for next year in an attempt to get an increased number of responses to these important questions. In regard to this particular outcome, we did hear from some families that the gap in services experienced when the state entered lockdown and the switch to live video visits (telehealth) impacted their ability to access supports in the way they desired.

Sampling Questions

Was sampling used?  NO

Was a collection tool used? YES

If yes, is it a new or revised collection tool?  NO

The demographics of the infants or toddlers for whom families responded are representative of the demographics of infants and toddlers enrolled in the Part C program. NO

If not, describe the strategies that the State will use to ensure that in the future the response data are representative of those demographics.

Although the responses were representative in some ways, stakeholders are concerned about the representativeness by race/ethnicity of the responders. We continue to find Black families under-represented with White families over-represented. For the first time, however, Hispanic families were over-represented. This was regarded as a positive trend. In the coming year, we will continue analyzing the parts of the survey process to determine where bias might be introduced (undeliverable surveys and opt outs) so that we can work with stakeholders to address these biases and create strategies that are meaningful for improving responses for the under-represented groups. Depending on what these analyses reveal, we may consider alternate methods of survey delivery for those unable to receive surveys via text message.

Survey Response Rate

Describe strategies that will be implemented which are expected to increase the response rate year over year, particularly for those groups that are underrepresented.

We have changed the order of the questions for the coming year to make sure that families who provide partial responses answer the items we report. We are also providing families an option of choosing which language they would like to use for completing the survey (English vs. Spanish). We are also examining the trends for undeliverable surveys to see if we can do anything to make sure more families receive the electronic survey. In terms of reaching underrepresented groups, we need to see if the delivery method is disproportionately impacting delivery to Black families. As a general strategy for increasing response rate, service coordinators have been asked to remind families about the family outcomes survey during the monthly contact preceding the child's exit from the system.

Describe the analysis of the response rate including any nonresponse bias that was identified, and the steps taken to reduce any identified bias and promote response from a broad cross section of families that received Part C services.

For this year, we have examined response rate by race/ethnicity, region/geographic location, gender and primary language. The responses are generally representative (and improved over prior years), with a slight under-representation of Black families and over-representation of White and Hispanic families. We have not yet been able to identify where bias may be introduced in our survey process, but we have plans to examine our undeliverable and opt out survey demographics more closely to see if anything can be done to increase the number of families the survey reaches. On a positive note, Hispanic families and families whose primary language is Spanish were over-represented in the respondents for the first time.

Include the State's analysis of the extent to which the demographics of the infants or toddlers for whom families responded are representative of the demographics of infants and toddlers enrolled in the Part C program. States should consider categories such as race/ethnicity, age of infant or toddler, and geographic location in the State.

Race (% surveyed versus % responded)

  • White: 54.1 vs. 59.9
  • Hispanic: 27.9 vs. 37.0
  • Black/African American: 15.0 vs. 10.6
  • Asian American: 3.0 vs. 2.4
  • American Indian/Alaskan Native: 0.10 vs. 0.10

Region/Geographic Location (% surveyed versus % responded)

  • Region 1 (Chicago): 25.6 vs. 24.8
  • Region 2 (Suburban): 22.3 vs. 24.6
  • Region 3 (Collar Counties): 24.2 vs. 26.1
  • Region 4 (Downstate): 28.0 vs. 24.4

Gender (% surveyed vs. % responded)

  • Female: 35.7 vs. 35.4
  • Male: 64.3 vs. 64.6

Primary Language (% surveyed vs. % responded)

  • English: 87.3 vs. 84.4
  • Spanish: 10.7 vs, 14.0
  • Other: 2.0 vs. 1.6

Describe the metric used to determine representativeness (e.g., +/- 3% discrepancy, age of the infant or toddler, and geographic location in the proportion of responders compared to target group).

Stakeholders determined that the metric used to determine representativeness would be +/-4% discrepancy in proportion of responders to those surveyed. Stakeholders felt this metric allows Illinois some flexibility while still being innovative with ways to address potential inequities. This allows us to continue to examine both respondents and non-respondents and develop strategies to address any ongoing under- or over representativeness. Variables examined for representativeness included race/ethnicity, geographic location, gender, and primary language. Given the +/- 4% threshhold, respondents were representative in all areas except race/ethnicity.

Provide additional information about this indicator (optional).

4 - Prior FFY Required Actions

In the FFY 2020 SPP/APR, the State must report whether its FFY 2020 response data are representative of the demographics of infants, toddlers, and families enrolled in the Part C program , and, if not, the actions the State is taking to address this issue. The State must also include its analysis of the extent to which the demographics of the families responding are representative of the population.

Response to actions required in FFY 2019 SPP/APR

For this year, we have examined response rate by race/ethnicity, region/geographic location, gender and primary language. Although the responses were representative on three of the four aspects examined (analysis included in analysis section above), stakeholders are concerned about the representativeness by race/ethnicity of the responders. We continue to find Black families under-represented with White families over-represented. For the first time, however, Hispanic families were over-represented. This was regarded as a positive trend. In the coming year, we will continue analyzing the parts of the survey process to determine where bias might be introduced (undeliverable surveys and opt outs) so that we can work with stakeholders to address these biases and create strategies that are meaningful for improving responses for the under-represented groups. Depending on what these analyses reveal, we may consider alternate methods of survey delivery for those unable to receive surveys via text message.

4 - OSEP Response

The State provided targets for FFYs 2020 through 2025 for this indicator, and OSEP accepts those targets.

4 - Required Actions

Indicator 4: Family Involvement

Compliance Indicator: Family Outcome Survey Results Return Rates & Results.

CFC Surveys Responses Return Rate Know Rights -Scores w/ 4 or more Know Rights - Mean Score Communicate Child Needs-Scores w/ 4 or more Communicate Child Needs-Mean Score Help Child Develop & Learn-Scores w/ 4 or more Help Child Develop & Learn-Mean Score
#1 - ROCKFORD 644 63 9.8% 73.8% 4.19 71.2% 4.18 71.4% 4.18
#2 - LAKE CO. 652 113 17.3% 73.6% 4.23 76.7% 4.34 76.2% 4.22
#3 - FREEPORT 353 38 10.8% 73.2% 4.32 82.5% 4.34 82.1% 4.40
#4 - KANE-KENDALL 869 115 13.2% 70.5% 4.13 70.6% 4.04 71.6% 4.05
#5- DUPAGE 1238 201 16.2% 79.2% 4.31 82.5% 4.41 84.7% 4.43
#6 - N SUBURBS 1790 257 14.3% 68.8% 4.11 75.1% 4.16 76.3% 4.17
#7 - W SUBURBS 1177 178 15.1% 74.6% 4.18 81.2% 4.30 80.4% 4.27
#8 - SW CHICAGO 890 102 11.5% 59.6% 3.72 60.0% 3.80 66.7% 3.90
#9 -CENTRAL CHICAGO 963 116 12.1% 72.7% 4.18 77.9% 4.31 82.1% 4.33
#10 - SE CHICAGO 824 67 8.1% 55.1% 3.59 59.7% 3.75 61.9% 3.89
#11 - N CHICAGO 2288 283 12.4% 63.4% 3.91 71.8% 4.09 72.9% 4.09
#12 - S SUBURBS 1360 139 10.2% 64.5% 3.90 70.1% 4.05 68.5% 3.98
#13 - MACOMB 213 32 15.0% 71.0% 4.27 79.3% 4.35 75.9% 4.29
#14 - PEORIA 630 64 10.2% 78.5% 4.32 77.8% 4.36 76.7% 4.28
#15 - JOLIET 1516 193 12.7% 76.8% 4.32 79.1% 4.38 78.1% 4.32
#16 - BLOOMINGTON 726 93 12.8% 77.9% 4.26 78.0% 4.31 71.9% 4.16
#17 - QUINCY 204 27 13.2% 95.8% 4.76 95.8% 4.72 82.6% 4.60
#18 - SPRINGFIELD 360 42 11.7% 78.1% 4.27 80.0% 4.48 74.4% 4.45
#19 - DECATUR 466 54 11.6% 75.9% 4.20 82.5% 4.38 76.9% 4.43
#20 - EFFINGHAM 465 52 11.2% 92.7% 4.57 92.6% 4.62 80.5% 4.54
#21 - BELLEVILLE 694 110 15.9% 78.3% 4.28 82.7% 4.39 76.2% 4.35
#22 - CENTRALIA 362 47 13.0% 77.1% 4.25 84.1% 4.40 79.0% 4.29
#23 - NORRIS CITY 163 15 9.2% 71.4% 4.26 71.4% 4.35 92.3% 4.64
#24 - CARBONDALE 165 20 12.1% 77.8% 4.47 83.3% 4.58 77.8% 4.47
#25 - MCHENRY CO. 417 68 16.3% 77.8% 4.26 86.9% 4.53 86.9% 4.54
STATEWIDE 19429 2489 12.8% 72.3% 4.15 76.6% 4.25 76.4% 4.23
CHICAGO 4965 568 11.4% 63.8% 3.89 69.5% 4.04 72.4% 4.08
SUBURBAN 4327 574 13.3% 69.4% 4.08 75.7% 4.18 75.7% 4.16
COLLAR COUNTIES 4692 577 12.3% 75.8% 4.26 79.0% 4.34 79.3% 4.31
DOWNSTATE 5445 770 14.1% 78.7% 4.31 81.3% 4.39 77.5% 4.35

*Cook County Offices:

  • CFC 6 - North Suburban
  • CFC 7 - West Suburban
  • CFC 8 - Southwest Chicago
  • CFC 9 - Central Chicago
  • CFC 10 - Southeast Chicago
  • CFC 11 - North Chicago
  • CFC 12 - South Suburban