Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advising Council Meeting-Minutes 03/03/2022

Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advising Council Meeting Minutes

(approved by Members 05/05/2022)

March 3, 2022 - 12:30pm

Co-Chair: Sue Schroeder

  • Call to Order/Introductions
    • Meeting called to order at 12:38pm by Sue Schroeder
    • Attendees:
      • Via WebEx: Brock Dunlap, Chris O'Hara, Courtney Aidich, David Albert, Donell Barnett, Erin Brumfield Grima, Irwin Kerzner, John Fallon, Lee Ann Reinert, Lisa Betz, Marianne Bithos, Mary Schepler, Michelle Churchey-Mims, Mike Miroux, Nanette Larson, Patty Johnstone, Ray Conner, Ryan Rollinson, Sarah Scruggs, Sarah Wiemeyer, Shane Hassler, Sidney Weissman, Stephanie Frank, Susan Schroeder, Tony Ohlhausen (on behalf of Jennifer McGowan-Tomke)
      • Via Phone: Dennis Hopkins, Pearl Madlock, Tracy Meinert
      • Webex Housekeeping: Continuing to look at how to improve attendance, note taking and access. Asking participants use raise hand feature to ask questions or make comments; please lower once finished. Will pause for folks on the phone with comments. Chat function only is going to the host and needs to only be requests for technical assistance. Also, will be sending out WebEx best practices document.
  • Approval of the Minutes for January 6, 2022
    • Motion to approve minutes- Chris O'Hara
    • Second -Sarah Scruggs. Discussion- none at this time
    • Minutes approved unanimously
  • Committee Reports
    • Schroeder- All committees must follow open meetings rules. Agenda and announcement of meeting must be sent to Courtney a week before the meeting so they can be posted along with approved minutes of the meetings. Michelle Churchy Mims appointed as Child & Adolescent Co-chair.
    • Child & Adolescent Committee Report
      • O'Hara- Seven participants at last meeting and more outreach occurring. Agenda and how to participate is posted. Discussion around access for children/adolescence and funding sources. They would also like to thank council for making it easier for others to access this meeting. He is now able to access recordings of meetings to assist with the minute taking.
    • Development Committee Report
      • Unable to meet
    • Adult Inpatient Report
      • Unable to meet
      • Next meeting Monday March 14th at 10am. Agenda will be sent to Courtney to post.
    • Justice Committee Report
      • Not operational at this time.
    • Additional Comments
      • Schroeder- Last fall a survey was sent out asking what committee individuals would like to participate in. An expectation of membership is to participate in a committee. We are working to get another survey to be sent out and hope for better participation this time around. If you are interested in being a Co-Chair, please let the group know. The group at large is currently missing a Co-Chair and Secretary.
  • Division of Mental Health Report
    • Reinert
      • Crisis continuum planning is moving forward. Notice of state award went out to Path Inc in Bloomington to create a statewide call center to prepare for 988. They are a tenured lifeline call center with a variety of other functions- dispatch mobile responses, contract with dept on aging, after hour call centers, 211 services. They are actively recruiting and building up their staff to meet capacity.
      • Additional resources announced - SAMHSA NOFO for local regional call centers out, awards are supposed to be made this spring. This is the first time SAMHSA is supporting this type of call center. Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) legislation was signed in August and requires that DHS works with Dept public health and 911 administrator to create committees that provide oversight and guidance to 11 regional committees (which are created through DPH regions). 62 separate emergency medical divisions that are all tied to hospitals. Each one can create emergency services protocols and procedures that will all need to be coordinated through CESSA. Still hopeful that nomination letters will start going out this month and that new committees will be up and running soon.
      • IGA- ink is drying on partnership with U of I Chicago to create crisis hub and expert consultation.
      • Will be sending link to survey to get responses on committee participation, please complete even if already done.
    • Kerzner
      • Open Meeting Act Training. This training is run through Attorney General office, and we will be sending out notifications to new members hopefully by Monday or Tuesday. Everyone needs to have completed this training within 90 days of joining the council. If you have joined since Jan 2020 and have not taken this training it is very important to do so. Please let Irwin know if you have completed the training.
    • Dunlap
      • Gov had combined state of the state and budget address on Feb 2nd. The Governors introduced budget is not a final budget. Most impact for providers and individuals is a 2% COLA which would begin on Jan 1st, 2023, if passed. Also enhanced spending authority.
    • Rollinson
      • Williams & Colbert- happy to announce 183 transitions for Williams since July 1 and 240 for Colbert. Both numbers exceeded where at in FY20 and FY21. Midyear transition targets already met and on track to meet full year goals, 400 for Williams 450 for Colbert.
      • Front door diversion program- 205 diversions so far this year. 95% of those offered a diversion accept.
      • Program development- NOFO for FY23 comprehensive transition program out and hoping for broad selection of providers to apply.
    • Betz
      • Planning process to look at Children's Mental Health system and rewrite the plan. Executive summary open for public comment until tomorrow. Can be found on On the main page header will say "We need your help, click here to provide input on MH plan". Click on draft executive summary, under that provider your input. Email for help.
    • Larson
      • CRSS Success Program- new program working with colleges and universities to promote education and internship for CRSS or CRPS credential. Grant funding awarded to provide education, support internships, and support students in overcoming any barriers in completion of program. 11 colleges through out the state and 5 already enrolling students and/or have started classes.
    • Reinert
      • Bed registry work- brand new work at national level through Vibrant. Procured unified platform database, a technology utilized by 911 call takers and Vibrant to send calls to right places and make sure that the call takers get to the supports/resources needed. Next week Vibrant hosting meeting for states learning community on what they are learning about bed registry.
    • Questions for DMH
      • Fallon- Question about CRSS Success Program. Curriculum developed for individuals that are Deaf or speak Spanish? Matching with where Williams and Colbert are? Or where we are not seeing enough CRSS individuals?
        • Larson- Goal of a pilot is to help figure out where the gaps are. Currently one school offering classes in English and Spanish. Everyone collaborating to establish best practice. Colleges may or may not be matching with greatest need now but partnering with each other to fill in the gaps.
          • Fallon- Suggestion to see if there is the possibility for CRSS certificate programs within DD systems as well as healthcare and aging. Room to use recovery training in other areas of residential support. NAMI may also be able to help persuade colleges if needed.
      • O'Hara- Mention of 49 counties with 211 service, what are the three other counties doing?
        • Reinert- 211 is broader than mental health. Mentioned in context with Path because it makes them a strong provider for 988 services: diversification of staff, technology, strong training system in place.
        • Betz- 211 website best place to learn more about services and coverage. Not all counties in Il that have 211 are covered by entities that is in Illinois, services may be located in another state.
      • O'Hara- Question about 11 CRSS regions and staff replacement. On CRSS training and discussion of someone retiring soon. Has there been any changes on who is covering the 11 regions in the state?
        • Reinert- 11 EMS regions, emergency medical systems are in 11 regions. DHS is 5 regions. Different for the two groups. CESSA is within the 11 regions. CRSS call probably referred to DHS region.
        • Larson- Dealing with staff shortage on recovery team. Currently 2 individuals covering the state.
      • Bithos- Are classes taught at hospitals taught by peers?
        • Larson- If you mean colleges they may or may not be. Many colleges have contracted with individuals with lived expertise. Current contract does not require them to hire staff with lived expertise but looking to possibly change that in next draft. Gold standard to have staff with lived expertise.
  • IHFS Report
    • No IHFS report
  • New Business
    • No new business.
  • Public Comment
    • Bithos- I thought in the hospital report that they said most hospitals only admitting people that commit suicide? Is that correct? When families bring someone to the emergency room and that patient says no, that they were not going to commit suicide, I get reports that they send them home.
      • Schroeder- Depends on the assessor and how often they show up in the ER and the experience of the assessor.
    • O'Hara- Another 988-meeting coming up next week. Would like to see meeting information go out to more people.
      • Reinert- The 988 Stakeholder collation next week. The meeting is public so anyone can attend and all information on 988 page. One of the requirements of grant is to use parameters created by Vibrant on who they expected to be represented at this collation. We then expanded that to a public meeting to increase diversity and create as much access as we could. After extensions of the grant, Vibrant asked for these meetings to continue and they have done so monthly, but the Collation has asked to move to quarterly meetings. Next one in March, followed by June. At the same time CESSA groups will increase meeting times which are also to be held publicly. On the DHS website 988 page there is a link to be added to the 988 or CESSA (or both) email lists, which will share newsletters and updates when available.
  • Meeting called to adjourn by Sue Schroeder at 1:45pm
    • Motion to adjourn- Sarah Scruggs
    • Second- John Fallon
    • Motion to adjourn the meeting approved unanimously
    • Next meeting Thursday May 5th 12:30pm