WAG 06-12-01-b
The QMB income standard is 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Compare the client's countable income to the QMB income standard. See PM 15-05-03 (AABD) to figure countable monthly income. Spenddown does not apply to QMB. When nonexempt income is higher than the QMB standard, the person is not eligible for QMB benefits.
See PM 15-06-02-c (AABD) for how to determine the number in the household.
The FPL is updated yearly. Updated income standards are in WAG 25-03-02(2).

Round income down to the next lowest dollar. Do not use the annual January Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) increase in deciding QMB eligibility for January, February, and March.
Do not allow a deduction for the Community Spouse Maintenance Needs Allowance (CSMNA) or the Family Maintenance Needs Allowance (FMNA) when determining QMB eligibility for a long term care resident or for persons receiving in-home care services through the Department on Aging. The CSMNA and FMNA are not considered income when determining QMB eligibility for a community spouse.