PUNS snapshot as of 1/31/25

PUNS - Over 18 & Eligible for Adult waiver - 6820 individuals

Total individuals 16575
Less adult planning 840
Less under 18 seeking 5080
Less under 18 planning 1014
Less part of prior PUNS selection 2720
Less other ineligible 101
Total eligible for adult selection 6820

PUNS - Over 18 & Seeking Services - Time Waiting

Time waiting total adults percentage
60 or more months 21 0%
48 to 59.99 months 595 9%
36 to 47.99 months 1231 18%
24 to 35.99 months 1507 22%
12 to 23.99 months 1607 24%
0 to 11.99 months 1859 27%
Total 6820

PUNS - Seeking & Planning

PUNS category seeking planning
18 & over 9641 840
17 & under 5080 1014
Totals 14721 1854

PUNS - Children & Young Adults in Seeking who meet age requirement for Children's Waivers - 9065 individuals

  (4086 young adults are also included in the adult waiver eligibility tables)

total children (under 18) 6094
total young adults (18-21) 4086
less children in planning 1014
less young adults in planning 101
Total individuals eligible for children's waivers 9065

 PUNS - Seeking Services - By Age Group

Age Group Total Persons
ages 0-5 404
ages 6-10 1288
ages 11-15 1978
age 16 588
age 17 670
age 18 896
age 19 885
age 20 937
age 21 972
age 22 844
age 23 440
age 24 345
ages 25-29 571
ages 30-39 373
ages 40-49 249
ages 50-59 160
age 60+ 148