WAG 06-10-04-b: Incomplete Application

PM 06-10-04-b

  1. (FCRC/All Kids Unit) Do not register an MPE application if it does not have any one of the following:
    • the provider signature, or
    • provider number, or
    • MPE determination date.
  2. (FCRC/All Kids Unit) Register the MPE application as a regular 94 mail-in application using the date received in the All Kids Unit/Family Community Resource Center as the application date, if the information is not on the MPE application.
  3. (FCRC/All Kids Unit) Do not register the application as an MPE application if the provider number is missing or invalid. If the provider is not an approved MPE provider, the message "Not The Number of an Eligible Provider" will appear.
  4. (FCRC/All Kids Unit) Register the MPE application as a regular 94 mail-in application using the date received in the HFS All Kids Unit or DHS Family Community Resource Center as the application date, if the provider number is not valid.

No Delivery Date

  1. (FCRC/All Kids Unit) Ask the client for an expected delivery date if the application does not have one.
  2. (FCRC/All Kids Unit) Use the date the client gives.
  3. (FCRC/All Kids Unit) Allow up to 7 months from the MPE decision date for the delivery date if the client cannot give one.