PM 06-10-04: Handling Applications

WAG 06-10-04

When a complete MPE application is received, approve coverage.

When a pregnant woman applies for ongoing benefits, decide if she is eligible.

When a pregnant woman applies to the Family Community Resource Center for Cash and/or SNAP, conduct an application interview to decide if she is eligible.

If the HFS Central All Kids Unit receives both a mail-in and an MPE application for a pregnant woman, they treat the mail-in application as an application for ongoing medical benefits. If the applicant also wants Cash and/or SNAP benefits, she must file a separate application and have an interview at the DHS Family Community Resource Center.

If the DHS Family Community Resource Center receives both a mail-in application and an MPE application, treat the mail-in application as an application for ongoing medical benefits. Do not schedule an application interview. If eligible, the mail-in application entitles the pregnant woman to ongoing medical benefits. If the applicant also wants Cash and/or SNAP benefits, she must file a separate application and have an application interview at the DHS Family Community Resource Center.