FY23 Change by Program - All Funds

Program CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request % Change from Est.
Blind Rehabilitation Services $7,985.3 $0.0 $7,985.3 $264.4 $8,249.7 3.3%
Centers for Independent Living $10,878.4 $0.0 $10,878.4 $1,287.7 $12,166.1 11.8%
Central Support & Clinical $61,560.1 $0.0 $61,560.1 $960.9 $62,521.0 1.6%
Children's Residential & Education Services $36,370.8 $0.0 $36,370.8 $1,053.9 $37,424.7 2.9%
Developmental Disability Grants $1,821,824.3 $0.0 $1,821,824.3 $208,828.1 $2,030,652.4 11.5%
Developmental Disability Operations $329,143.9 $0.0 $329,143.9 $18,928.6 $348,072.5 5.8%
DHS Operations & Grants $265,090.0 ($35,000.0) $230,090.0 $16,000.0 $246,090.0 7.0%
Disability Determination Services $118,434.3 $0.0 $118,434.3 ($250.5) $118,183.8 -0.2%
Early Childhood Grants $3,760,434.4 ($798,998.0) $2,961,436.4 $801,014.0 $3,762,450.4 27.0%
Early Childhood Operations $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $845.8 $845.8 100.0%
Family & Community Services Grants $1,345,933.5 $260,800.0 $1,606,733.5 ($265.7) $1,606,467.8 0.0%
Family & Community Services Operations $417,841.8 $0.0 $417,841.8 $8,468.2 $426,310.0 2.0%
Home Services Program $909,914.5 $31,400.0 $941,314.5 $97,974.9 $1,039,289.4 10.4%
Inspector General $9,072.3 $0.0 $9,072.3 $914.9 $9,987.2 10.1%
Intergovernmental Support Services $146,994.0 $0.0 $146,994.0 $28,923.6 $175,917.6 19.7%
Legislative Initiatives for DHS $255,429.0 ($135,804.0) $119,625.0 $16,179.0 $135,804.0 13.5%
Management Information Services $14,154.9 $0.0 $14,154.9 $35.8 $14,190.7 0.3%
Mental Health Grants $457,225.5 $0.0 $457,225.5 $3,948.9 $461,174.4 0.9%
Mental Health Operations $250,485.7 $0.0 $250,485.7 $11,881.1 $262,366.8 4.7%
Program and Administrative Support $130,851.1 $0.0 $130,851.1 $30,451.4 $161,302.5 23.3%
Sexually Violent Persons Program $45,366.3 $0.0 $45,366.3 $3,478.8 $48,845.1 7.7%
Substance Use Prevention and Recovery $390,555.6 $0.0 $390,555.6 $61,487.1 $452,042.7 15.7%
Vocational Rehab Services $188,707.0 $0.0 $188,707.0 $11,102.3 $199,809.3 5.9%
Total $10,974,252.7 ($677,602.0) $10,296,650.7 $1,323,513.2 $11,620,163.9 12.9%