Section IV of the Part C Grant Application FFY 2022


A. System of Payments / Use of Insurance / Program Income

Number: Selected: Statement:

  1. (Selected) The state DOES have a system of payments for Part C services under 34 CFR §§303.203(b)(1), 303.500(b), 303.520, and 303.521 which may include the use of public benefits or insurance, private insurance or family fees, such as a sliding scale. Any family fees collected are treated as "program income" for purposes of 2 CFR §200.307(e) and 34 CFR §303.520(e) and are not included in the State's determination of State and local expenditures for maintenance of effort and non-supplanting purposes of 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(5)(B) and 34 CFR §303.225(a) and (b). Note: If the State has adopted new or has revised its existing policies and procedures regarding its system of payments, it must submit these new and/or revised policies and procedures under Item 3.a in Section II.A above
  2. (Not Selected) The State DOES NOT have a system of payments for Part C services under 34 CFR §§303.203(b)(1), 303.500(b), 303.520, and 303.521 which may include the use of public benefits or insurance, private insurance or family fees, such as a sliding scale. Any family fees collected are treated as "program income" for purposes of 2 CFR §200.307(e) and 34 CFR §303.520(e) and are not included in the State's determination of State and local expenditures for maintenance of effort and non-supplanting purposes of 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(5)(B) and 34 CFR §303.225(a) and (b). Note: If the State has adopted new or has revised its existing policies and procedures regarding its system of payments, it must submit these new and/or revised policies and procedures under Item 3.a in Section II.A above

B. Restricted Indirect Cost Rate/Cost Allocation Plan Information

Under IDEA's non-supplanting provisions in 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(5)(B) and Part C regulation in 34 CFR §303.225(c), a lead agency may not charge indirect costs to its Part C grant unless the lead agency charges indirect costs through either- (i) A restricted indirect cost rate that meets the requirements in 34 CFR §§76.560 through 76.569; or (ii) A cost allocation plan that meets the non-supplanting requirements in paragraph (b) of this section and 34 CFR part 76 of EDGAR.

Check the applicable status below (more than one check mark may be necessary) and enclose appropriate documentation for this Federal Fiscal Year.

Number: Selected: Statement:

  1. (Selected) No indirect costs are charged to the Part C grant. The total amount of the Federal Part C grant is used for allowable direct costs.
  2. (Not Selected) The lead agency is an State educational agency (SEA) and works directly with the U.S. Department of Education's Indirect Cost Unit to ensure that indirect costs are only charged on a restricted basis to the State's IDEA Part C grant. The State has a final restricted indirect cost rate agreement that is approved for the period _________ through _____________. (Please attach a copy of the most recently approved restricted indirect cost rate agreement or cost allocation plan or other applicable indirect cost documentation.)
  3. (Not Selected) The lead agency is not an SEA and has a final restricted indirect cost rate that has been approved by the State lead agency's cognizant Federal agency and is in effect for this FFY (ending on June 30, 2023) The period of approval for the restricted indirect cost rate agreement is ____________ through ________________. (The State must attach a copy of the approved restricted indirect cost rate agreement.)
  4. (Not Selected) The lead agency is not an SEA and has either a provisional or final restricted indirect cost rate that expires or expired on _________ and the State is in the process of negotiating a new restricted indirect cost rate agreement that will be in effect for the period ____________________ [please attach proposal]. The State lead agency will continue to charge or bill the Part C grant using the provisional or previously approved final restricted indirect cost rate until a new rate is negotiated and approved by the State's cognizant Federal agency, at which point the State lead agency must make appropriate adjustments for applicable FFYs. The State acknowledges that a final restricted indirect cost rate may result in an adjustment of the final audited expenditures allowable to be charged to the Part C grant and the Department's approval of this FFY Part C application with an expired or provisional restricted indirect cost rate does not constitute approval of that rate as the final rate for the lead agency for this FFY. When a final restricted indirect cost rate is approved, the lead agency must submit to OSEP: (1) a copy of the "final" restricted indirect cost rate agreement; and (2) details of adjustments made to past GAPS draw downs in light of the "final" rate. (The State must attach a copy of the previously approved restricted indirect cost rate agreement.)
  5. (Not Selected) The lead agency is not an SEA and has a final cost allocation plan that has been approved by the State lead agency's cognizant Federal agency, which is _______________. The cost allocation plan charges costs only on a restricted basis and has also been approved by ED's Indirect Cost Unit. It is in effect until ____________________ [insert date or note until amended] for this Federal fiscal year (FFY) (ending on June 30, 2023). (The State must attach a copy of the approved cost allocation plan and approval documentation from both the lead agency's cognizant Federal agency and ED's Indirect Cost Unit.)