Section I of the Part C Grant Application FFY 2022

Federal Fiscal Year 2022

United States Department of Education
Office of Special Education Programs
Potomac Center Plaza
Washington, DC 20202-2600

Early Intervention's Main Page

OMB NO. 1820-0550

Expires: 12/31/2023

CFDA Number: 84.181A


A. Submission Statements for Part C of IDEA

Select 1 or 2 below. Check 3 if appropriate.

Number Selection Statement

1. (Not Selected) The State's policies, procedures, methods, descriptions, certifications, and assurances meet all application requirements of Part C of the Act as found in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), codified at 20 U.S.C. 1431 through 1443 and the Part C regulations in 34 CFR Part 303. The State is able to provide and/or meet all policies, procedures, methods, descriptions, and assurances, found in Sections II.A and II.B of this Application. By selecting this submission statement the State either has on file with the Secretary or has submitted new or revised State policies, procedures, methods, and descriptions that meet all requirements found in Section II.A.

2. (Selected) The State cannot provide the policies, procedures, methods, descriptions, and/or assurances for all application requirements of Part C of the Act as found in Part C of the IDEA, 20 U.S.C. 1431 through 1443 and the Part C regulations in 34 CFR Part 303. The State has determined that it is unable to provide the policies, procedures, methods, descriptions, and/or assurances that are checked 'No' in Sections II.A and II.B. However, the State assures that throughout the period of this grant award the State will operate consistently with all requirements of IDEA in 20 U.S.C. 1431 through 1443 and the 2011 Part C regulations in 34 CFR Part 303. The State will develop and/or make such changes to existing policies, procedures, methods, descriptions, and assurances as are necessary to bring the policies, procedures, methods, descriptions, and assurances into compliance with the requirements of the IDEA Part C Act and regulations, as amended, as soon as possible, and not later than June 30, 2023. The State has included the date by which it expects to complete necessary changes associated with policies, procedures, methods, descriptions, and assurances marked 'No'. The items checked 'Yes' in Section II.A are enclosed with this application as revised or new or are identified as "OF" already on file with the Secretary.

3. (Not Selected) The State is submitting new or modified State policies and procedures previously submitted to the Department and checked in Section II.A, "N", "R" or "OF" cell(s) found in the 'Yes' column. These modifications are a result of: (1) the State revising its applicable State law or regulations; (2) changes required by the Secretary due to new interpretation of the Act or regulations by a Federal court or the State's highest court; and/or (3) because of an official finding of noncompliance with Federal law or regulation.

B. Conditional Approval for Current Grant Year

If the State received conditional approval for the current grant year, check the statement(s) below:

Number Selection Statement

  1. Conditional Approval Related to Assurances in Section II.A:
    1. (Not Selected) Sections II.A and II.B reflect completion of all issues identified in the FFY 2021 conditional approval letter (attach any additional documentation required by the FFY 2021 letter).
    2. (Selected) As noted in Sections II.A and II.B, the State has not completed all issues identified in the FFY 2021 conditional approval letter.
  2. Conditional Approval Related to Other Issues:
    1. (Not Selected) The State previously submitted documentation of completion of all issues identified in the FFY 2021 conditional approval letter.
    2. (Not Selected) The State is attaching documentation of completion of all issues identified in the FFY 2021 conditional approval letter. (Attach documentation showing completion of all issues.)
    3. (Not Selected) The State has not completed all issues identified in the FFY 2021 conditional approval letter. (Attach documentation showing completion of any issues and a list of items not yet completed.)