OFVP Firearm Violence Research Group


The Office of Firearm Violence Prevention's Firearm Violence Research Group's (FVRG) purpose is to support the office to identify outcome measures for RPSA funded programs, along with inform on metrics and data collection practices that best measure impact at a community level.  The FVRG was created as result of the Reimagine Public Safety Act (RPSA) (430 ILCS 69), comprised of recommended research experts experienced in examining data trends related to firearm violence prevention and interpreting these trends to identify effective interventions that support impacted communities. 

FVRG Goals

  • Identify relevant community data trends, characteristics and social determinants of health for RPSA eligible community areas by February, 2022.
  • Identify outcome measures for OFVP programs, along with metrics and data collection best practices by March 1, 2022.
  • Provide a report to the OFVP on best practices of violence prevention by June 1, 2022 that will advise the office on how to best provide resources to support these communities.



Name Position Title Organization Email Address
Joe Hoereth Chair Director UIC Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement  jhoereth@uic.edu
Timothy Lavery Member Director of the Research & Analysis Unit Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) Timothy.Lavery@Illinois.gov
Soledad McGrath Member Executive Director Northwestern Neighborhood Initiative smcgrath@northwestern.edu
David Olson Member Co-Director Loyola, Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy and Practice dolson@luc.edu
Andrew Papachristos Member Director Northwestern University avp@northwestern.edu
Kim Smith Member Director of Programs, Crime and Education Lab University of Chicago, Crime Lab Kimberleys@uchicago.edu
Dr. Lance Williams Member Assistant Professor Northeastern Illinois University l-williamsb@neiu.edu
Maryann Mason, PhD Member Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Principal Investigator for the Illinois Violent Death Reporting System (IVDRS) Northwestern University maryann-mason@northwestern.edu

Administrative Support

IDHS Staff

  • Quiwana Bell - Assistant Secretary, Office of Firearm Violence Prevention
  • Kari Branham - Administrator of Research, Evaluation, & Innovation
  • Karrie Rueter -Associate Director, FCS-Office of Community and Positive Youth Development

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