July 21, 2021 - Mortality Review Board Minutes


First section of meeting is open to the public. Actual review of mortality review cases is closed to the public.


10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.




  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Review of Previous Draft Meeting Report
  • Proposed Changes in Process
  • Review of Forms
  • Adjournment of Meeting

Meeting Notes


  • Dennis Beedle, MD, Interim Chairperson
  • Stephen Dinwiddie, MD, Northwestern University
  • Anne Fitz, RN, Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Sarah Anderson, MD, Northwestern University Fellow (new nominee)
  • Fred Jones-Rosa, MD, Northwestern University Fellow (new nominee)
  • Stacey Aschemann, Equip For Equality (new nominee)
  • Mark Mackey, MD, University of Illinois at Chicago (new nominee)
  • Randy Malan, RPh, Retired OCAPS (new nominee)
  • Amy Tarr, DHS/OIG Legislation/Policy Development


  • Chris Helfrich, RN, DD Homes Network
  • Edna Hill, RN, Retired (new nominee)

Welcome & Introductions

The open portion of the meeting was called to order by Interim Chairperson, Dennis Beedle, MD at 10:05 a.m.

Dr. Beedle introduced himself and welcomed the new nominees to the board. Sara Anderson, Fred Jones-Rosa, Stacey Aschemann, Mark Mackey, and Randy Malan - before leading the full Board and nominees through brief introductions.

Review of Previous Draft Meeting Report

The current voting members approved the meeting report from April 21, 2021 as written.

Proposed Changes in Process

Dr. Beedle explained the Open Meetings Act and had also forwarded the Board a link. The first part of the Mortality Review Board Meeting will be open to all including the public, whereas the second part of the meeting will be closed only to members due to the confidentiality nature of the topic.

The meetings will be recorded and kept on file for 18 months.

Board members require training on the Open Meetings Act, which is done through the Attorney General's Office done only one time upon appointment. The web site for this training has been down and not able to offer the electronic training currently. Dr. Beedle will inform the members when this training is available. Other required training is: Harassment and Discrimination Prevention, Ethics Training, and HIPPA Training specifically due to dealing with confidential information. These trainings are available on-line and once the nominees are officially appointed, an account will be set up for them to be able to complete this training. These trainings are required annually for all board members.

Once the nominees are appointed, a Chairperson for the Board will be voted on. Dr. Beedle has been interim chairperson since taking over the committee. Dr. Beedle will accept any nominations or volunteers, just let him know. The Board will vote on this at the next meeting.

Review of Forms

Dr. Beedle suggested a sub-team to do the initial case reviews. The new drafted Mortality Review Board Screening Evaluation Tool will be completed for level one reviews. The form is being worked so at some points of data on this form will go into an excel spreadsheet so quality issues can be summarized. Level one reviews are all the deaths that come in from mental health and developmental disabilities facilities and group homes. Dr. Beedle went into further detail the case review process by going through the form with the group and then explained level 2 process.

Randy Malan explained the difference between Polypharmacy and Polytherapy.

It was suggested OIG may want to investigate having ethnicity on report.

Dr. Beedle explained the process of how deaths are reported to OIG, assigning of an investigator, whether there is abuse or neglect, and various levels and different reports. Amy Tarr went into further explanation on the OIG process in assigning review of cases. There was further discussion regarding the plans of the group, bringing on new members and purpose of this board.

Dr. Beedle asked the group if they would consider changing the meeting time to an earlier time, possibly 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and possibly having the meeting every two months rather than every three months. It is proposed that the next meeting will be held from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and the new time and occurrence will be voted at the next meeting.

The open meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. and the closed meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m.