Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals with I/DD

Instructions for Activity - Module 7

  1. Please use the Handout - "Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals with I/DD, posted with Module 7. Handout retrieved from Elevatus Training resources.
  2. First, read through the entire handout.
  3. Now, on your own, look at the first section: "Messages we want to send". Give yourself a rating between 1 - 3 for how prepared you feel to communicate these messages, with
    • 1 being not prepared
    • 2 being somewhat prepared and
    • 3 being very prepared
  4. The next part of the activity is to look at the section "Responses to Support LGBTQ Individuals", which covers the remainder of the handout. Read the statements in bold, then practice saying out loud the suggested responses, listed under each of these statements.
  5. Put a checkmark by any that you especially like and feel comfortable saying. If you are taking this training as part of a group, you may want to practice saying the statements to each other, like in a role play.

NOTE: Consider your reactions to this activity. Try writing out your questions. What areas do you feel you need more practice? Saying things out loud is a great way to gain comfort and confidence. These are conversations we may not have experience with, so practicing can help. Use the Resource handout to learn more.