Cumulative PUNS History by Age Group

Updated 9/6/2024

Note:  "Total PUNS" includes count of closed records

PUNS by Selection Detail by Age Group

Summary of Detail Adults Young Adults Children
Total Total Total
New 571 885 1427
Annual Update 4096 2641 2367
Change of category (seeking service or planning for services) 142 130 206
Change of service needs (more or less) - unchanged category (seeking service or planning for services) 239 151 130
Other, supports till needed 1364 999 960
Sub Totals 6412 4806 5090
Person is fully served or is not requesting any supports within the next five (5) years 20000 876 443
Moved to another state, close PUNS 1572 233 172
Person withdraws, close PUNS 2045 144 79
Deceased 2090 78 58
Other, close PUNS 14979 888 461
Sub Totals  40686 2219 1213
Individual Stayed in ICF/DD 76 2
Individual Moved to ICF/DD 271 6 3
Individual Determined Clinically Ineligible 261 31 21
Individual Determined Financially Ineligible 49 1 3
Incorrect SSN 127 26 15
Submitted in Error 8
Unable to Locate 2986 478 547
Sub Totals 3778 543 589
Overall Totals for all Age Groups
TOTAL 65336 5115 4380