MR #22.05: Program Standards and Allowances Chart – Update

Illinois Department of Human Services Logo
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Logo



  • In an effort to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, this manual release provides a change to how the Program Standards and Allowances will be published and updated annually. 
  • Each program will now have its own section in the SNAP, Medical, and TANF policy manual.
  • The Program Standards and Allowances for each programs will now have a number next to it and be identified by its program.
  • The SNAP Program Standards and Allowances Chart will be identified as WAG 25-03-02 (1) SNAP
  • The Medical Program Standards and Allowances Chart will be identified as WAG 25-03-02 (2) Medical
  • The TANF Program Standards and Allowances Chart will be identified as WAG 25-03-02 (3) TANF
  • Any previously posted PDF versions of the Program Standards and Allowances chart for all programs become obsolete with this publication.
  • A Program Standards Summary Desk Aid has been created with instructions provided at the top of the Desk Aid for how to print pdf copies.


In an effort to maintain Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) compliance, updates have been made to the Program Standards and Allowances Chart.

Program Standards and Allowances 

Each program will now have its own section in the SNAP, Cash, and Medical policy manual. The Program Standards and Allowances for each program will now have a number next to it and be identified by its program. Any previously posted PDF versions of the Program Standards and Allowances chart for all programs become obsolete with this publication.  A Programs Standard Summary Desk Aid has been created with instructions provided at the top of the Desk Aid for how to print pdf copies.

Manual Revisions:

WAG 25-03-02 (1) SNAP

WAG 25-03-02 (2) Medical

WAG 25-03-02 (3) TANF

WAG 25-03-00 Program Standards and Allowances Desk Aid

[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Theresa Eagleson

Director, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Forms Referenced