October 5, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


October 5, 2022  10:30am to 12:00pm


Zoom Link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82870181415?pwd=Y1F6Z3pRSDl1K1V1L1hjODljNHB3Zz09


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
  2. Approval of May 5, 2022, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
  3. Title II FFY21' Compliance Determination and Next Steps
  4. Committee and Work Group Status Updates
    1. Planning & Grants
    2. Racial Justice & Equity
    3. Youth Engagement
    4. Compliance
    5. Other
  5. Agenda Setting for IJJC Board Meeting on 10/19/2022
  6. New Business
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjourn


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
    Commissioners: Rick Velasquez, Michelle Mbekeani, Briana Payton, Lisa Jacobs.
    Staff: Maribel Gonzalez, Drea Hall, Jacob Mason-Marshall, Peg Robertson, Ebonie Epinger, Jessica Scheele.
  2. Approval of June 16, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
    Rick Velasquez called for a motion to approve the minutes from June 6, 2022 with the amended ICOY section. Briana Payton motioned, Michelle Mbekeani seconded the motion.  Minutes approved. 
    Chairman Rick Velasquez announced Commissioners Esther Franco-Payne has resigned, Shelly Davis completed her appointment and introduced three new commissioners. Candie Buhl. Tamela has accepted the new role of co-chair for IRJCE. 
  3. Title II FFY21' Compliance Determination and Next Steps
    Executive Director, Andrea Hall was invited to discuss Compliance Determination. Ms. Hall explained that Illinois has been found out of compliance for FY21 by the Federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for violating one of their four core compliance requirements, specifically jail removal. The jail removal requirement stipulates that youth are not to be held in an adult lock up for more than 6 hours. In contrast, Illinois law allows for youth to be held in an adult lock up for no more than 12 hours. Based on data, most jail removal violations are happening in Cook County, specifically in the City of Chicago. Ms. Hall shared the FFY21 Title II Budget Overview document covering effected budget elements, funding allocation, and notes.
    Chair Rick Velasquez asked if this violation would create a multi-year impact even if we are found in compliance in the future. Ms. Hall explained that Illinois will most likely be out of compliance for FFY22 as violation numbers have doubled. Illinois is in a 3-year funding cycle as of 2021. All Notification of Funding Opportunities have been renewed. The violations will need to be addressed and Notification of Funding Opportunities will become competitive in FY25. Commissioner Briana Payton asked what committee's approach to getting back into compliance is if issues creating the violation are with sites that not funded by IJJC. Co-Chair Lisa Jacobs responded by listing focus areas identified by the Planning and Grants Committee:
      • Arrest fewer youth
      • Reduce the number of youth transported to adult lock up
      • Reduce time spent at adult lock up
      • Create separation between adult and juvenile area within co-located lock up
      • Create non-secured waiting areas at lock up that align with the Illinois Juvenile Court Act and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.
    • Ms. Payton continued, asking how the commission might be able to address legislation given limitations on advocacy.
      Mr. Velasquez clarified that the commission may not use federal funding to lobby, however, the commission does have partnerships with DHS, ICOY and the Governor's office to use as a resource.
  4. Committee and Work Group Status Updates
    1. Planning & Grants
      Illinois is working to get back in compliance. P&G responsibilities: Possible Jail Removal Strategies: Arrest fewer Youth, Reduce Number of youths transported to lock ups, reduce time spent at lockups, create separation between adult and juvenile area lock (co-located facilities), create non-secured waiting areas at lockups, align JCA and JJDPA. Cannot fund current grantees, informing grantees, planning for FY24 grantees, and site visits. Lisa Jacobs stated that it is known that the commission cannot fund all grantees on the 3year non-competitive at the fundings current level, so a difficult decision will be made.
    2. Racial Justice & Equity
      RED committee submitted our RED plan, and it was accepted. IL was asked to present at the national call and share our plan with Puerto Rico. RED committee is creating and action plan. Creating action plan for the committee. UC Berkeley Law School will present to the commission about the statewide data, what the problems are and solutions. They will provide breakdowns of counties and blind spots with court involved youth. Let the Commission know what the legislation push is and what their roles will be. Michelle Mbekani will share in the full commission meeting her transfer of co-chair to Tamela Meehan.
    3. Youth Engagement
      Youth are still meeting bi-weekly. Ms. Hall provided an overview of all committees and indicated that youth are now establishing committees of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB). In August, Youth attended youth lead summit, who were currently in custody. The board is exploring creation of a conference or summit for youth leaders across Illinois. The Executive Committee is supportive of this goal and will connect YAB members with commissioners who can give guidance. Commissioner Rick Velasquez recommended they connect with the policy advisor of Illinois Collaboration on Youth (ICOY) suggesting the organization share their legislative agenda with the YAB to foster inclusion and participation.
    4. Compliance
      This agenda item was combined with Planning and Grants updates.
  5. Agenda Setting for IJJC Board Meeting on 10/19/2022
    1. Welcome Roll and Roll call
    2. Approval of Minutes
    3. Presentation: Juvenile Fees & Fines in IL
    4. Title II FFY21 Compliance Determination & Next Steps
    5. Committee Status Updates
    6. New Business
    7. Adjourn
  6. New Business
    No new business was addressed
  7. Public Comment
    There were no public comments
  8. Adjourn
    Briana Payton motioned to adjourn and was seconded by Michelle Mbekeani. Meeting Adjourn at 11:56