2022 Youth Engagement Committee Meetings

Youth Engagement Committee

The Youth Engagement Committee works to generate opportunities for young people to get more involved in addressing juvenile justice issues and creating impactful changes in the system. The committee directly engages with youth impacted by the justice system through the formation of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB). The YAB has been developed in collaboration with youth-serving organizations to provide a space where youth can learn about the broader juvenile justice system as well as teach each other about effective solutions to reduce the inequities within the system. Moreover, these youth will be empowered to lead and collaborate with the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commissioners (IJJC) on challenging projects to promote equity in the juvenile system, including the racial and ethnic disparities challenge. Our goal is to include more youth voices at the decision-making table and in addition to cultivating future leaders who will advocate and spark dynamic changes in the juvenile justice system now and in the future.

Youth Engagement Committee Members: 

  • Briana Payton - Co-Chair
  • Tamela Meehan - Co-Chair
  • Savannah Felix
  • Jelani Floyd
  • Arnetra Jackson

Youth Engagement Committee Meetings:

February 2, 2022

May 13, 2022

August 3, 2022

November 14, 2022