August 24, 2022 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission IL Racial Justice & Equity Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission IL Racial Justice & Equity Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


August 24, 2022

2:30pm - 4:00pm


Virtual/401 S Clinton

Join Zoom Meeting:


  1. Welcome, Roll Call & Icebreaker 
  2. Approval of May 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes 
  3. Review Group Norms 
  4. Brief Recap of RJEC Work 
  5. 2022 R/ED Plan Review 
  6. Next Steps
  7. New Business 
  8. Public Comment 
  9. Adjourn 


  1. Welcome & Roll Call 
    Roll Call: Dana Weiner
    Staff: Maribel Gonzalez, Andrea Hall
    Guests: Julia Schick, Ajufo Jeffery, Moises Prospero, Omar Jamil, Peg Robertson, Karen Levi, Ebonie Epinger, Haley Hopkins, Tamara Vaughn-Walker, Jourdan Martinez, Jessica Gingold, Samuel Smith,
    1. Ice breaker
  2. Approval of February 23, 2022, March 23, 2022, and May 25, 2022 meeting minutes
    This agenda item was not acted on due to the quorum not being met. The minutes from February 23, 2022, March 23, 2022, May 25, 2022 will be voted on at the next committee meeting.
  3. Review Group Norms 
    Executive Director Andrea Hall shared the committee's group norms.
  4. Brief Recap of RJEC Work 
    1. Over the last three months, the R/ED Plan Working Group met to prepare and begin drafting the 2022 R/ED Plan
    2. ICJIA did great work to collect data at the five decision points for 2020 and has most of the data for 2021.
    3. The Working Group met in August to draft the R/ED Plan
    4. IDHS was informed recently that were deemed in compliance with the 2021 R/ED Plan we drafted together last year. Thank you for helping contribute to that plan. It helped lay the groundwork for this committee and guided our work over the last year.
    5. The 2022 R/ED Plan was informed by our work from 2021. The data was definitely telling, but also possibly not totally reflective of what we are seeing in detention and adult transfer data.
    6. The plan is due by September 1st, and we would like the RJEC to help finalize the plan and endorse it.
  5. 2022 R/ED Plan Review
    Moises Prospero was invited to review and give a overview of the FY23 R.E.D draft plan. Andrea Hall invited Ebonie Epinger from CPRD to further explain limitations within the R.E.D plan in regards race, ethnicity, other, and data points that were not included- a results that stream from counties not tracking data. Commissioner Dana Weiner suggested- another customary way to clearly communicate disparities is to calculate a rate-per-thousand in the population. The R.E.D plan should also explain what the denominator (arrest) is when calculating numbers. Moises Prospero gave clarification about OJJDP requirements of data point denominators being arrest rather than population as a whole. Andrea Hall reviewed the committee's goals for fiscal year 2023 and welcomed the committee to any feedback for the plan.
  6. Next Steps
    Co-Chair Julia Schick introduced the committee's plan for the fiscal year. The group questioned the frequency of the full committee and working groups. Commissioner Jessica Gingold thought it would be helpful to look at the R.E.D goals and base working groups on productive outcomes and solutions. Peg Robertson from CPRD suggested first connecting with local Redeploy's Councils to ensure our R.E.D goals are met.
  7. New Business 
    There was no new business shared  
  8. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.  
  9. Adjourn
    The meeting adjourn at 3:00pm.