To be eligible for a FY2022 contract, all grantees must complete the Pre-Qualification Process, Internal Controls Questionnaire, Programmatic Risk Assessment and Grant application. For assistance navigating the application prequalification procedure, refer to IDHS GATA Prequalification Assistance for the this NOFO. The Grant Application and Programmatic Risk Assessment are to be completed for every program/grant. See Grant Application Information and Instructions webpage for more detail.
At the time of application, all Bureau grantees must submit for each grant program the following documents:
The completed documents are to be emailed by January 19, 2022, to the Bureau email address:
Note: Everything is being tracked by the CSFA number, so it is important that all required materials and correspondence contain this information.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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