October 26, 2021 DDD Communication

Good Afternoon,


  • Per IDPH, the preliminary seven-day statewide COVID-19 positivity for cases as a percent of total test from October 15-21, 2021 is 2.0%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from October 15-21, 2021 is 2.2%.
  • The next DD Advisory Committee virtual meeting will be on November 9. These meetings are open to the public and you're welcome to participate. We ask, however, that attendees save comments to the open comment period of the agenda (if you are not a DDAC member). You can find more information here.
  • The Using Assistive Technology to Increase Independence of Adults with I/DD webinar is TOMORROW (October 27) from 1pm to 3pm. There is still time to register!
  • REMINDER: There are new links for the Community Provider Trainings being held by the Division this fall. Please make sure to re-register for the training series. You can find the NEW LINKS here.
  • Also, check out our DRAFT Information Bulletins.


The Division will be hosting a DDD Update webinar on November 10 at 1pm. This webinar will discuss key data points, new PUNS numbers, FY 22 & FY 23 budgeting, next steps with Settings and more! You won't want to miss this! Please ensure that at least one individual from your provider organization attends. You can register here.


A big thanks to our provider community! Approximately 60% of our providers have responded to the DDD Provider Survey. Our goal is an 80% response rate. If you haven't completed the DDD Provider Survey we ask you to do so today!


The Social Security Administration has announced a rate increase of 5.9% to the current Supplemental Security Income (SSI) individual benefit. Effective January 1, 2022, the individual benefit will increase from $794 to $841 per month. Per Illinois statute, the SSI benefit amounts are used to determine the monthly and annual maximum spending amounts for the HBS programs.

Monthly spending in the Children's HBS Program (children ages 3 to 17 and young adults who are between the ages of 18 and 21 and enrolled in a Special Education program) will increase from $1,588 to $1,682 per month effective January 1, 2022. Monthly spending in the Adult HBS Program (adults ages 22 and older and young adults between 18 and 21 and not enrolled in a Special Education program) will increase from $2,382 to $2,523 per month effective January 1, 2022.

HBS service plans for the month of January 2022 should be revised to reflect spending up to the new maximum amounts. For more information see our newly release DRAFT information Bulletin here.


The Division is pleased to announce that the State Plan Amendment to increase Intermediate Care Facility (ICF/DD) rates has been approved by federal CMS. As a reminder, the SPA will increase the rates as follows:

  • $0.50/hour for ICF Aides effective July 1, 2021;
  • $1.00/hour for ICF Aides effective January 1, 2022; and
  • To the federal Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics average wage for all non-executive direct care staff, excluding ICF Aides, effective January 1, 2022.

The Division is working closely with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to make adjustments to rates retroactive to July 1, 2021, for the $0.50/hour increase. We anticipate those should be paid in December/January. The rates effective January 1 will not require adjustment as those will be entered prior to the effective date.

Finally, as a reminder, the Division worked with members of the General Assembly and stakeholders to determine the legislative intent of these wage increases. Based on those discussions, the increases for ICF Aides should be implemented as follows:

  • For the $0.50/hour rate increase, $0.25/hour should be provided as a direct increase to all ICF Aide wages, with the remaining $0.25 to be used flexibly for wage increases to ICF Aides and other frontline staff; and
  • For the $1.00/hour rate increase, $0.50/hour should be provided as a direct increase to all ICF Aide wages, with the remaining $0.50 to be used flexibly for wage increases to ICF Aides and other frontline staff.


As the Division continues its engagement with the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN), we are periodically alerted to efforts from the SELN's parent organizations - the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDS) and the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston (ICI). Several years ago the ICI developed the Community Life Engagement Guideposts to help frame services and supports for individuals with disabilities. Recently, the ICI began development of an associated tool, the Guidepost Fidelity Scale (GFS), intended to analyze quality at the provider level. The ICI is seeking provider engagement and feedback on the GFS. The ask is for 5 Illinois provider agencies to identify 5 staff who will complete an online scale (approximately 30 minutes). Organizations who participate will have access to new online CLE training modules, in the near future, along with an entry for a $100 monthly gift card raffle. If your agency is able to commit to participation in this effort, please identify a lead and provide that person's contact information (name, email address and primary phone) to Casey Burke by end of business 10/29/21. Because selection is limited to 5 Illinois providers, responses above that threshold will be randomly chosen.


  • Allison V. Stark
  • Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Illinois Department of Human Services
  • 600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
  • Tel: (217) 782 -6803

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.

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