July 14, 2022 - Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention


Open to the general public.


10:00am to 1:00pm


Held virtually by Zoom Platform.


  •  Call to Order: 10:00am
  • Introduction of Council Members: Brenda Devito: 10:00am - 10:20am
    Thank you to all EI Providers and Service Coordinators: Benny Delgado
  • Approval of April 14, 2022, Draft Meeting Report: Brenda Devito: 10:20am - 10:25am
  • Division of Early Childhood's New Mission, Vision, and Values Presentation: 10:25am - 10:55am
    Blueprint and Strategic Roadmap: Heather Hofferkamp/Bethany Patten
  • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds: Heather Hofferkamp: 10:55am - 11:20am
    State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)
  • Legislation: Heather Hofferkamp: 11:20am - 11:30am
    • Early Intervention/Extended Services (EI/ES)
    • Public Act 102-0926 
    • Public Act 102-0962 
  • Equity & Access Workgroup Report: Angel Williams/Zareen Kamal: 11:30am - 12:00pm
  • IICEI Organizational Practices: Brenda Devito: 12:00pm - 12:30pm
    • Workgroups 
  • Ongoing Updates/Memo: Heather Hofferkamp: 12:30pm - 12:55pm
    • Illinois Early Intervention Provider Handbook - 07/2022
    • IMPACT
    • Cornerstone/EI Data Management System
    • Bureau/Division
    • DocuSign
  • Adjournment of Meeting: Brenda Devito: 12:55pm - 1:00pm

Meeting Report


  • Esther Beard, Advocate Representative
  • Meghan Burke, Parent Representative
  • Benny Delgado, Provider Representative
  • Kristy Doan, IL State Board of Education
  • Christine Doyle Morrison, Provider Representative
  • Chuck Farr, Child & Family Connections (CFC) 13 Program Manager, Rural Representative
  • Michael Garner-Jones, IL Dept. of Human Services, Bureau of Subsidy Mgmt. (Child Care)
  • Heather Hofferkamp, IDHS, Interim Chief, Bureau of Early Intervention
  • Jennifer Gentile, IL Dept. of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Margaret Harkness, IL Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • Dee Dee Lowery, CFC 1 Program Manager, Urban Representative
  • Ginger Mullin, IL Dept. of Public Health
  • Rosie Perez, Parent Representative
  • Nisha Sanghvi, Provider Representative
  • Amy Santos, Personnel Preparation Representative
  • Marie VonDeBur, IL Dept. of Healthcare & Family Services
  • Angel Williams, Illinois Department of Child and Family Services
  • Amy Zimmerman, Advocate Representative


  • Michelle Baldock, IL Dept. of Insurance
  • Brenda Devito, Clearbrook, Chairperson
  • Donna Emmons, Head Start Representative
  • Lynnette DeGraffenreid, Provider Representative
  • Kate Ulmer, ISBE, McKinney-Vento, Homeless Representative
  • Shelly Roat, IL Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC)
  • Becca Trevino, Parent Representative
  • Constance Williams, Ph.D., IDHS, Division of Mental Health

Council Packet Contents:

  • Agenda
  • Draft Council Meeting Report - April 14, 2022
  • Council Handbook - revised May 2022
  • IICEI Workgroup and Outside Initiatives Recommended - EI Tracker
  • Communication Workgroup Final Report
  • IICEI Equity and Access Workgroup Update
  • Demonstration Project for Modified Service Delivery Approaches to Support Equitable Access to EI Report
  • IICEI Raising Illinois (PN3) Workgroup Update
  • IICEI Telehealth Workgroup Update
  • Early Intervention Program Caseload Summary Report for:
    • March 2022 - May 2022
  1. Call to Order
    Brenda Devito, IICEI Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:05 am.
  2. Introductions of Council Members
    Members introduced themselves and stated their agency/role on the Council
  3. Approval of the April 14, 2022, Draft Meeting Report
    Benny Delgado made a motion to approve the minutes. Dee Dee Lowery seconded. Motion passed.
  4. Presentation of Division of Early Childhood's New Mission, Vision, and Values Presentation  Blueprint and Strategic Roadmap
    Heather Hofferkamp and Bethany Patten provided a presentation on this topic. 
  5. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
    Heather noted our infrastructure is built on our mission, vision and values. We want to partner on retention. We are considering internships and a mentoring program with CFC families, while building on our mission and supporting our foundation as we move forward. Both the EI Training Program and EI Monitoring are working with the leadership team.
    There are calibrations for quality development. We will continue to review for equity, diversity and inclusion. Service coordinator assistants were discussed. It was shared that other states' Service Coordinators are providers and we are reviewing how this is being done and other considerations.
    Spreadsheet with updates and changes will be going out. Slides will be shared and posted. The council believed one of the priorities should be service coordination, as without them we can't implement the program for families.
    A FAQ document and council questions and answers document will be created. Please send comments ideas and concerns to the EI questions email box.
    They will continue to be addressed and considered. 
  6. Legislation
    • Early Intervention/Extended Services (EI/ES)

The Early Intervention Extended Services (EI/ES) option legislation has been passed and enacted. We are learning more as we continue, and a FAQ is available on ISBE's website.

A question was asked about how many children were impacted due to ES/EI. The answer was that ISBE is collecting the information but it's not readily available.

  • Public Act 102-0926

This act is regarding is auto eligibility for children with substantiated abuse or neglect. Collaborations are ongoing with DCFS and our rules in the public act are being updated. OSEP will be helping with this policy. It was noted that DCFS, will continue to screen before referring cases to EI.

  • Public Act 102-0962

This ais regarding 30 calendar days start of service from development of IFSP initiation. Our focus here is that we add this to the rules and process and that notifications are in place for families.

The proposed secondary reimbursement policy will be reviewed, and this process will reenter stakeholder engagement. We are seeking approval on this and still taking recommendations as we work toward approval. Provisional practice has been in place, and we are continuing. We are still working with CFCs and families on parent reimbursements/secondary reimbursement policy.

  7.  Equity and Access Workgroup Report

Zareen Kamal from the Equity and Access Workgroup shared the slide presentation, discussed the engagement strategies and that the funds are progressing nicely. Structural support is vital to our CFC to ensure design, collaboration, funding, and family focus. We are going to develop a plan based upon the proposed demonstration project. It will include modifications to service coordination, professional development opportunities, and billing to remove barriers.

Angel Williams, Workgroup Chair, shared that 15 meetings have been held so far. This does not include Workgroup and follow-up discussions. The Workgroup currently has a final document for feedback and to present to bureau for recommendations.

Any changes to policy and procedures will require stakeholder's engagement and input. Additional information and discussions are requested on the final document presented today.

A motion was raised by Benny Delgado and Amy Zimmerman seconded.

Additional questions may be sent to Angel Williams. Another meeting may be scheduled to go over questions raised.

8. IICEI Organizational Practices

Due to time constraints, an additional meeting will be held mid-August to further discuss organizational practices and also address the Equity and Access Workgroup final document.

9. Adjournment

Angel Williams motioned to adjourn the meeting; Lynnette DeGraffenreid seconded. Meeting adjourned at 1:08pm.

Contact Information

Jenni Grissom
IDHS - Bureau of Early Intervention
823 East Monroe Street
Springfield, IL 62701
Ph: 217/524-1596
Email: jennifer.grissom@illinois.gov

If you are need of special accommodations or have any questions or comments, please email or call Jenni Grissom.