ICRE-R Advisory Council Agenda & Minutes March 16, 2021


  1. Review of Minutes
  2. Superintendent's Report
  3. Foundation Report
  4. Student Report:
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
  7. Adjournment


March 16, 2021

In attendance (via Zoom): Maryanne Kelly, Letitia Doe (Superintendent) Wanda McNeal, Kerrie Rawlings, Mary McAloon, Marcina Adams, Peter Quinn, Lou Hamer

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 am

  1. Review of Minutes
    • Minutes for November 17, 2020 & January 19, 2021 meetings will be reviewed at the May meeting. We did not have a quorum to vote.
  2. Superintendent's Report
    • Staff returned on March 15 to prepare for student return to in person learning on April 15. 7 students will remain remote. Students are continuing in remote learning until April 15.
    • ICRE will follow all safety precautions. All PPE supplies will be available, including masks, hand sanitizer and plexiglass dividers. There is a Hepa machine.
    • The building had a deep cleaning and was sanitized. Families and students have been updated on opening procedures.
    • Students will be living at ICRE until June. They will return home on weekends because there is no contract staff for cafeteria.
    • There will be a day program for students in the summer.
    • Thanks to Cheryl Hamilton, ICRE nurse, who arranged for a Covid vaccination clinic at ICRE for all staff who wanted the vaccination. This also included staff from ICRE Wood.
    • Plans to vaccinate students have not been finalized yet.
    • Kerrie Rawlings complimented school team for all the work they have done to get the students back in school.
  3. Foundation Report, Therese Manderino
    • There is no Foundation Report at this time.
  4. New Business
    • Marcina Adams asked about medical updates for students. She wants to be sure all medical orders and medications for students will be current. Nursing staff will follow up with her.
  5. Old Business
    • There is no old business.
  6. Adjournment
    • Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.
    • Date of next meeting: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 @ 9:00 am via Zoom. Meetings will continue as Zoom until it is considered safe for non-staff to enter building.
    • Meetings scheduled for the rest of the year: May 18 & June 9.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary McAloon, member