WAG 06-01-08: Eligibility and Benefit Amount

PM 06-01-08

revised textFor RRP Cash, use the Verification of Contribution From Voluntary Sponsoring Agency or Sponsor (Form 2422) to verify the total amount of cash, if any, given to the client by an agency or sponsor. Budget the entire amount using Item 90 code 644, Contribution from Voluntary Sponsoring Agency-Refugee Only. deleted text

NOTE: Do not budget the onetime per capita grant that the U.S. Department of State makes to resettlement agencies for the reception and initial placement of newly arriving refugees.

When determining eligibility and benefit amount for RRP Cash (Category 00), budget as for TANF Cash. See PM 10-02-00 for TANF earned income budgeting. Enroll the case in EI REDE status; see PM 19-07-02/WAG 19-07-02.

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Determining Eligibility

When determining RRP Cash eligibility, use the TANF Standards (see PM 10-01-03-a).

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Determining Benefit Amount

For a family RRP case or a single person adult RRP case, use the TANF Payment Level for adult(s) and child(ren) for the size of the family (see WAG 25-03-05).

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