PM 06-01-06-c: Appropriate Work or Training Criteria

WAG 06-01-06-c

Appropriate work or training is defined by DHS, the VOLAG, or the job placement agency and must meet the following criteria:

  • Work may be temporary, permanent, full-time, part-time, or seasonal.
  • The wage offered must meet or exceed the Federal and State minimum wage (see WAG 25-06-08). If neither law applies, the wage must be as much as the wage paid for similar work but in no case can it be less than three-fourths of the State minimum wage.
  • The daily and weekly work hours cannot exceed those customary to the type of work.
  • The person must be physically and mentally able to perform the job or training assignment on a regular basis.
  • The total daily commuting time to and from the work or training site must not normally exceed 2 hours. This does not include time needed to take a child to and from child care.
  • The work or training site the person is assigned to must not be in violation of federal, state, and local health and safety standards.

The Refugee Job Placement Agency and the VOLAG have primary responsibility for deciding when a client has quit or failed or refused to apply for an appropriate job, or failed or refused to attend job skills or English language training.

When the Family Community Resource Center learns that a client has quit a job, failed or refused to apply for a job, failed or refused to accept a job offer or to attend training, the Family Community Resource Center begins the reconciliation process (see PM 03-13-04). Decide if the job or training is appropriate. If the Family Community Resource Center decides that the job or training is appropriate, sanction the client if reconciliation is not successful.