Bureau of Policy and Review

Emmett Hamilton, Bureau Chief

  1. Responsibilities
    1. Distribute and collect IDHS Financial Reporting requirements to all selected IDHS grantee-providers which includes:
      1. Consolidated Year End Financial Reports
      2. Consolidated Financial Reports
      3. Audits
      4. 990's
      5. Required personal grantee-provider forms
    2. Coordinate the distribution and monitoring annual grantee-provider Consolidated Financial Reports (CFR) for IDHS and the Consolidated Year-end Financial Reports (CYEFR) for grantee-provider subject to GATA requirements.
    3. Compile all Federal Funds information derived from CARS and SAP, and report Federal Funds received by grant agreement grantee-providers annually and as requested.
    4. Provide responses to Community Grantee-Providers and their auditors related to DHS funding confirmation requests.
    5. Prepare management reports on contracts and obligations from available databases including data warehouses (CARS, SAMS, SAP).
    6. Perform desk reviews of the audit/financial reports submitted by DHS-funded Community Services Providers. Authority for this function resides, and is in accordance with 89 Ill Admin Code 507
    7. Analyze and review annual grantee-provider audit/financial reports for compliance with applicable federal, state and DHS financial reporting requirements.
    8. Coordinate the distribution and monitoring of all On-Site Fiscal and Administrative reviews.

If you have any questions or need more information about this page, please contact OCA Financial Reporting at (217) 785-9260.