EBP Conference 2021 Session 25

Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery (NEW-R)

Tuesday 8/31/2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CST

This Evidenced-Based Program originated with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration [SAMHSA] as a resource for improving physical and mental health with clients served and is in keeping with the Division of Mental Health's vision of integrated care and utilizing Evidenced Based Practice Programs. The program consists of 8 sessions lasting for approximately 90 minutes. The program comes with a facilitator's manual, participant manual and a set of exercise videos for each session. There is no cost involved except for staff time in leading the group. The program focuses on healthier food choices and increased physical activity for overall better health.

Presented by:

Darius McKinney, Illinois Department of Human Services - Division of Mental Health

Darius has been directly and indirectly helping people with serious mental illnesses find and maintain work at regular jobs of their choosing for the past 19 years. Using the evidence-based practice of Individual Placement and Support/Supported Employment [IPS], Darius has been an employment specialist and IPS team leader at Thresholds in Chicago, Illinois for 9 years and a contracted Division of Mental Health [DMH] IPS Trainer for 5 years. As an IPS trainer, he was responsible for executing and fulfilling all deliverables for their DMH contract to advise and assist IPS sites in Northern Illinois to implement, provide, and improve IPS services to consumers. For the past 5 years, Darius has served as the project manager for the Illinois Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA] Transformational Mental Health Grant for Employment, which purpose was to develop the statewide infrastructure to sustain the IPS model in Illinois. Darius is currently the Illinois Statewide IPS Program Manager for the Illinois Division of Mental Health, responsible for the day to day management of all DMH IPS Trainers to ensure that all providers are implementing the evidence-based model of IPS. Darius has his Bachelor of the Arts in English from the University of Michigan. He has also been through the IPS Fidelity Reviewer Training Course at the IPS Rockville Institute in Hanover, New Hampshire.