Exit Data (FFY18/SFY19)

Illinois IDEA Part C - Exiting Process

Year: 2018-19

A zero count should be used when there were no children to report in the specific category for the given reporting period. Enter "M" (Missing) if the state did not collect or could not report a count for the specific category. For Question 3 (Part B eligible, continuing in Part C) enter NA if the category is not applicable. Please provide an explanation for the missing data in the comment box at the bottom of the survey pages.

What is your state's 12 month reporting period? From: 07/2018 To: 06/2019

Section A: Reason for Exit by Race/Ethnicity

Program Completion

Reason for Exit Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 597 2 102 245 3 2,232 82 3,263

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 2,642 2 375 1,156 2 55,41 266 9,984
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 461 0 64 140 2 907 47 1,621
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 42 0 2 10 0 45 1 100
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 931 0 63 571 0 992 41 2,598

Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Total
Deceased 6 0 3 18 0 17 2 46
Moved Out of State 80 1 44 82 1 290 12 510
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 456 0 106 243 1 1,029 37 1,872
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 404 1 26 459 0 519 45 1,454
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Racial Ethnic Groups 5,619 6 785 2,924 9 11,572 533 21,448

Comment: None

Section A (Percentages): Reason for Exit by Race/Ethnicity

Program Completion

Reason for Exit % Hispanic/ Latino % American Indian or Alaska Native % Asian % Black or African American % Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander % White % Two or More Races Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 18.3 0.1 3.1 7.5 0.1 68.4 2.5 100

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit % Hispanic/Latino % American Indian or Alaska Native % Asian % Black or African American % Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander % White % Two or More Races Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 26.5 0 3.8 11.6 0 55.5 2.7 100
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 28.4 0 3.9 8.6 0.1 56 2.9 100
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 42 0 2 10 0 45 1 100
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 35.8 0 2.4 22 0 38.2 1.6 100

Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit % Hispanic/Latino % American Indian or Alaska Native % Asian % Black or African American % Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander % White % Two or More Races Total
Deceased 13 0 6.5 39.1 0 37 4.3 100
Moved Out of State 15.7 0.2 8.6 16.1 0.2 56.9 2.4 100
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 24.4 0 5.7 13 0.1 55 2 100
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 27.8 0.1 1.8 31.6 0 35.7 3.1 100
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Racial Ethnic Groups 26.2 0 3.7 13.6 0 54 2.5 100

Section B: Reason for Exit by Gender

Program Completion

Reason for Exit Male Female Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 1,860 1,403 3,263

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit Male Female Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 6,929 3,055 9,984
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 966 655 1,621
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 58 42 100
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 1675 923 2,598

Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit Male Female Total
Deceased 26 20 46
Moved Out of State 328 182 510
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 1,155 717 1,872
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 910 544 1,454
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Gender 13,907 7541 21,448

Comments: None

Section B (Percentages): Reason for Exit by Gender

Program Completion

Reason for Exit % Male % Female Total
No Longer Eligible for Part C Prior to Reaching Age Three 57 43 100

Exit at Age Three

Reason for Exit % Male % Female Total
Part B Eligible, Exiting Part C 69.4 30.6 100
Part B Eligible, Continuing in Part C NA NA NA
Not eligible for Part B, Exit with Referrals to other Programs 59.6 40.4 100
Not Eligible for Part B, Exit with No Referrals 58 42 100
Part B Eligibility Not Determined 64.5 35.5 100

Not Receiving Services

Reason for Exit % Male % Female Total
Deceased 56.5 43.5 100
Moved Out of State 64.3 35.7 100
Withdrawal by Parent or Guardian 61.7 38.3 100
Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful 62.6 37.4 100
Total Number of Infants and Toddlers Exiting by Gender 64.8 35.2 100

Error Comments:

This report shows the most recent data that was entered by Illinois. These data were generated on 11/4/2019 9:22 AM CST.