Hospitals and Clinics Access Narcan Project- Frequently Asked Questions

What is required for my hospital or clinic sign up to receive naloxone (Narcan) through this project?

To qualify to receive naloxone at no cost to your institution through this grant funded support mechanism, there are de-identified data requirements that must be uploaded on a monthly basis. Preferred data collection for each kit distributed includes date of distribution, reason for distribution, patient age, patient gender, sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), patient race/ethnicity, patient zip code, county distributed, diagnosis at the encounter (up to 4), and amount distributed.

What if my hospital doesn't collect all of the data requested?

If your hospital/clinic is unable to collect some of these variables, please reach out to request an exception that includes an explanation as to the barriers for the data collection and reporting. These variables are invaluable for guiding current and future public health interventions in addressing the opioid crisis. We appreciate your support and dedication to improving access for naloxone and assisting SUPR in addressing the opioid crisis.

What hospital or clinic personnel should be responsible for the project?

The individual who enrolls the organization in the program should be the one responsible for the overall program including compliance with the training, education and data elements. The contact individual listed should be responsible for submitting the reports, however another team member may be responsible for putting together the reports for submission.