Rules that Govern Division of Developmental Disabilities Services


Administrative Rules outline the implementation of the requirements of Federal and/or State laws and are used to define the practices of services. Rules are official regulations developed by State agencies, such as the Department of Human Services Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). Rule changes require an agency to submit proposed Rule language changes to the Joint Committee for Administrative Rules (JCAR), a bipartisan legislative oversight committee. JCAR publishes the proposed changes in the Illinois Register. This publication begins the First Notice public comment period in which people have an opportunity to formally respond to the proposed changes. JCAR manages the entire formal approval process for Rule changes.

The Rule making process is separate from agency, department or division specific mechanisms that clarify system processes. For instance, the DDD produces policies and procedures (in the form of Information Bulletins, manuals and guidelines) that are used to communicate further detail regarding requirements for the provision of service activities. In addition, all Home and Community-Based Services under DDD are subject to federal requirements and outlined in waiver language which is approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Finally, State and federal laws and statutes may also be applicable.

Updated Rules

Rule 120

Rule 115

Office Hours

The Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification (BALC), the Bureau of Quality Management (BQM) and the Strategic Planning Unit will hold joint Office Hours to address questions from stakeholders regarding updated Rule 120 and 115. 

Rule Office Hours:

Date time WebEx Information
July 12, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am Join the July 12 Meeting
July 19, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am Join the July 19 Meeting

Rules in the Amendment Process

Rule 119

The Division is revising and updating Title 59 Part 119 (Rule 119) which sets standards for day programs that serve individuals with developmental disabilities. Rule 119 outlines what day program agencies must do in order to become, and remain certified, by the Department of Human Service/Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification (DHS BALC). It also outlines DDD's expectations of certified day program agencies for providing services.  Rule 119 is currently in First Notice with JCAR.

Rule 117

The Division is in the process of revising and updating 59 Ill. Adm. 117, more commonly known as Rule 117. Rule 117 outlines services for the Division's Home Based Supports and Services (HBSS) program, which is a part of the DD Adult Waiver and the DD Children's Support Waiver. Changes include:

  • Adding Children's Home-Based Services and Supports program.
  • Repealing the Family Assistance Program (this is reflected in the title and repeal of Subpart C). This program is no longer in operation with the last child aging out in 2017.
  • Amending Rule 117 to align with the federal Home and Community-Based Services regulations regarding Person-Centered Planning and Settings.
  • Including requirements for both the agency-based and the Employer of Record Implementation Strategies.
  • Adding definitions for Electronic Visit Verification, Employer of Record, Personal Support, Personal Support Worker, and Self-Direction Assistant.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about DDD Administrative Rules or information on this page please contact: