Individual Funds Management

Illinois Department of Human Services

Division of Developmental Disabilities

Information Bulletin



This Information Bulletin addresses the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) guidance regarding individual funds management and accounting for individuals residing in residential programs (17D, 60D, 61-63H, 65H, and 67D) funded by the Division of Developmental Disabilities. This includes the Adults with DD waiver and the Children's Residential waiver as well as any individual receiving non-waiver funded residential (19D, 41D, 42D, 67E, and 67O) services and supports.


DD agencies must have internal controls and oversight regarding recordkeeping of each individual's personal funds. The DD agency's responsibilities for management of individual's personal funds is specified in 89 IL Admin. Code Section 509.30 a) and c).

  • 509.30 a) states: "The agency shall be managed in a manner consistent with sound fiscal standards."
  • 509.30 c) states:  "If the agency has responsibility for the management of funds for the individuals it serves, such funds shall be  accounted for on an individual basis in a single separate account."



Individual personal funds: Any funds an individual earns through employment, as well as their Personal Needs Allowance.
Personal Needs Allowance (PNA): The amount an individual is allowed to keep of their SSI or SSDI to cover their own personal needs that does not go to the provider to offset the cost of room and board.

Individual Funds Management Requirements

  • DD agencies may deposit an individual's personal funds in an account dedicated to individual funds, that is an agency controlled, comingled account, as long as all funds are accounted for on an individual basis and that this accounting is available for review at any time by the individual and/or their guardian.
  • Agencies should maintain an accounting of all deposits and withdrawals by individuals.
  • If requested, DD agencies must support an individual to maintain a separate account for their personal funds.
    • The agency may or may not be a separately listed agent on the account.
    • Agencies should support the individual to maintain an accounting of their deposits and withdrawals.
    • Agencies should support an individual to keep receipts for purchases over a $25 amount in the event that an audit requests documentation.
  • Agencies can require an individual to fund, supplement, pay and/or reimburse for items, services, and/or supports not covered under the DDD's reimbursement methodologies or payment for services and supports. The following list contains examples of items that are included in the DDD's reimbursement methodology (the cost should not be passed onto the individual):
    • Housing/Utility Costs
    • Property/Building Insurance
    • Maintenance and housekeeping
    • Basic telephone, internet and cable in a common area
    • Staffing
    • Nursing costs
    • Administrative costs
    • Food supplies
    • Nonfood supplies
    • Basic personal care items (personal hygiene, incontinence products, feminine hygiene, oral care) when an individual does not receive unearned or earned income and therefore can't provide these items on their own
    • Transportation to/from planned, local activities, needed services and/or other reasonable transportation requests as determined by the provider and individual
  • If an individual manages their own funds, without the assistance of the provider, or if the family or guardian is the representative payee for the individual and manages their funds, the provider is still responsible for appropriately documenting their support and management of the individual's funds and ensuring the individual's financial obligations are being met.


The Department of Human Services, Office of Contract Administration (DHS/OCA) conducts a sample review of individual's personal funds also known as representative payee accounts.

In a review, the OCA will look at internal controls and oversight regarding recordkeeping as it relates to the "allowance" portion of the money that is given for the client's personal needs. The OCA does not review how the DD agency spends the portion of funds retained by the agency for care purposes. If an OCA review finds a reportable issue(s), they would cite any findings from Administrative Rule 509.

Note: Individual's personal funds paid by the Social Security Administration (SSA) are subject to SSA recordkeeping requirements. The SSA and/or a contracted entity by the SSA can and will conduct some reviews of individual personal funds.

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.

Effective Date:
