PM 04-05-05
Foster care children and adults are considered boarders and cannot receive SNAP separately from the household providing the foster care. Although considered boarders, the policy differs in how foster care children and adults are considered in the eligibility determination for SNAP. Boarder policy in PM 05-02-01 and determining reasonable compensation for lodging and meals does not apply to foster children and adults.
The household providing the foster care may, if receiving SNAP, request to include or exclude a person who is in foster care. The following are examples of SNAP household status when a foster person is in the home:
Do not count the DCFS payment for the ward as income to the SNAP household when the ward's income paid to DCFS is greater than the DCFS payment.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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