September 22, 2021 Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Racial & Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


ANNOTATED Meeting Agenda - Wednesday September 22, 2021

2:30pm to 4:00pm


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  1. Welcome, Roll Call and Icebreaker
  2. Approval of August 25, 2021 meeting minutes
  3. Review Group Norms
  4. R.E.D. Plan Updates
    1. Collaboration Updates
    2. Working Groups and Action Planning
  5. Breakout Sessions and Report Back
    1. Data collection Working Group
    2. Research/Qualitative Working Group
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjourn


  1. Welcome, Roll Call and Icebreaker
    Era Laudermilk called the meeting to order and welcomed committee members.
    Roll Call: Delrice Adams, Garien Gatewood, Jessica Gingold, Haley Hopkins, Omar Jamil, Era Laudermilk, Korynna Lopez, Tamela Meehan, Peg Robertson, Julia Schick, Tashiana Stafford, Tamara Vaughn-Walker, Dana Weiner.
    Staff: Katy Culleeny, Maribel Gonzalez, Andrea Hall, Esther Kaplan, Moises Prospero.
  2. Approval of August 25, 2021 meeting minutes
    Quorum was not met so the committee did not act on this item.
  3. Review Group Norms
    Era Laudermilk shared the committee's group norms. Korynna Lopez addressed a new group norm pertaining to the name of the committee. The committee should be referred to as R.E.D. instead of RED due to the historically racist implications of that abbreviation. The committee will circle back to this at the next meeting.
  4. R.E.D. Plan Updates
    1. Collaboration Updates
      This item was not addressed by the committee.
    2. Working Groups and Action Planning
      Andrea Hall shared updates on an initiative with Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) which will provide summaries of data to counties surrounding breakdowns of juvenile justice race and ethnicity data. Since the data is not public, counties need to send their information to the committee, and providing these summaries can serve as a thank you for their participation.
      Since each jurisdiction varies in how they handle arrests, it can be unclear what kind of arrest data would be useful to collect. In discussing other points of data collection, information relating to length of stay broken down by race and ethnicity was identified, which is available in detention reports. There are statewide data systems that can be utilized for data collection so that counties are not relied on to provide all 5 of the decision point data, including CHRI, among others. For data surrounding detention, transfer and Illinois Department of Justice (IDJJ) commitment, there is no need to go to counties directly.
      An additional method of making the data useful to counties could be to compare with Redeploy Illinois data to exemplify the progress that can be made in addressing racial and ethnic disparities. However, Redeploy Illinois only requests data from individual sites, not counties.  Overall, committee members agreed that these data summaries could serve as a motivational tool to counties as long as there are intentional efforts made to make the data useful.
  5. Breakout Sessions and Report Back
    1. Data collection Working Group
      This item was not addressed by the committee.
    2. Research/Qualitative Working Group
      Andrea Hall shared updates on the establishment of two working groups within the commission, research and qualitative, which will research best practices around R.E.D. Those interested in participating in either group will meet before the next committee meeting. Era Laudermilk shared the importance of uplifting youth voices, stories and involvement in the R.E.D. committee, while maintaining intentionality.
  6. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  7. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 4pm.