June 23, 2021 Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Racial & Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


June 23, 2021



Video Conference Information: https://zoom.us/j/94126531534?pwd=anhkOVdpZlZKaDh5NFRzMWRycGNOUT09  


  1. Welcome, Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Approval of May Meeting Minutes
  3. Review Group Norms & Values
  4. Working Group Presentation: Draft RED Plan
  5. Breakout Groups
  6. Report Out and Next Steps
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjourn


  1. Welcome, Call to Order & Roll Call
    Co-Chair Michelle Mbekeani called the meeting to order and invited Andrea Hall to do roll call.
    Members: Delrice Adams, Garien Gatewood, Haley Hopkins, Dr. Amanda Klonsky, Korynna Lopez, Michelle Mbekeani, Peg Robertson, Julia Schick, Trisha Shrode, Tashiana Stafford, Tamara Vaugh-Walker.
    Guests: Dr. Lisa Hutchinson, Kia Jackson, Karen Levi.
    Staff: Katy Culleeny, Andrea Hall.
  2. Approval of May Meeting Minutes
    Ms. Mbekeani called for a motion to approve the May meeting minutes. Tashiana moved approval and Garien Gatewood seconded the motion. No opposition. No abstention. Motion Carried.
  3. Review Group Norms & Values
    Ms. Mbekeani reviewed the group norms and values.
  4. Working Group Presentation: Draft RED Plan
    Dr. Hutchinson reviewed the steps needed for the Illinois R.E.D. plan: 1. Identify problem, 2. Develop action plan, and 3. Conduct an outcome-based evaluation. Ms. Hall presented available data and proposed the idea of highlighting counties with best practices and promoting continuous cross-system collaboration. Julia Schick suggested larger, statewide approach that incorporates policy changes may be more beneficial, as R.E.D. work is already being done at local levels through IJJC funded councils. Jessica Gingold suggested that best practices, including outside of Illinois, be collected prior to identifying a County or that needs support.
  5. Breakout Groups
    The Committee broke out into four working groups.
  6. Report Out & Next Steps
    Committee members reported out to the larger group on their respective discussions. Group 1 discussed a statewide policy review that includes understanding data management systems in different jurisdictions and a cross-system data analysis to look at existing data from different systems that feed into the juvenile justice system. Group two discussed what it would look like to work at a statewide level compared to honing in on one county or municipality, including first looking at urban vs. Suburban communities as a way to narrow it down. Group 3 discussed cross-system collaboration, ways to ensure youth are not further traumatized, how to ensure accountability from systems as opposed to turning it back on the youth, and how a lack of services on the front end leads to youth involved in JJ or CW systems to receive services. Group 4 discussed dually-involved youth, in which Peg Robertson shared there is already a state level task force looking closely at Dually involved youth, and that there may be opportunities to learn from them or collaborate later on. The committee decided on their levels of agreement for each of the priority areas.
  7. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  8. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned at 3:57pm.