May 26, 2021 Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Racial & Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 26, 2021

2:30pm to 4:00pm


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  1. Welcome & Roll Call
  2. Approval of March 19, 2021 meeting minutes
  3. Review Group Norms
  4. Presentation: Dually Involved Youth
  5. Update on CCAS TA Request and Next Steps
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjourn


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
    Michelle Mbekeani called the meeting to order and invited Andrea Hall to do Roll Call.
    Roll Call: Delrice Adams, Jackie Bullard, Garien Gatewood, Jessica Gingold, Lisa Hampton, Haley Hopkins, Omar Jamil, Dr. Amanda Klonsky, Korynna Lopez, Michelle Mbekeani, Tamela Meehan late, Briana Payton, Peg Robertson Julia Schick, Trisha Shrode, Tashiana Stafford, Antwan Turpeau, Tammy Vaugh Walker late, Dana Weiner.
    Guests: Shreeva Adhikara, Dr. Lisa Hutchinson, Kenya Roy.
  2. Approval of March 19, 2021 Meeting Minutes
    Ms. Laudermilk moved approval of meeting minutes. Delrice Adams seconded the motion. Motion Carried.
  3. Review Group Norms
    Ms. Laudermilk reviewed the previously established group norms and asks committee members if they have any additions or updates. There were no additions or updates.
  4. Presentation: Dually Involved Youth
    Ms. Mbekeani invited Mark Werner and Michelle Jackson to present on dual-status/dually involved youth. Mr. Turpeau asked if there were any recent data for youth of color referred to congregate care and the link to detention and if there were any plans to expand some of the promising results of regeneration congregate care network. Ms. Jackson explained that they are currently in the resource development phase and that the programs are promising. Currently, they are looking for providers who can meet the needs of high acuity youth, those with high behavioral health needs and can be volatile. Mr. Turpeau informed the group of a pilot program that intentionally accepted referrals for youth with high needs. The program has high youth to personnel ratios of 1:4. It is a well-supported group foster home with 24/7 live-in clinical support. The youth have extensive histories of hospitalization and detention but in the 10 months of the pilot program there has been 1 restraint and 1 hospitalization.
    Mr. Smith added that the average age of a dual status youth is 18, meaning that when a youth committed a crime at 17 and turns 18 pending trial, there is a short window to stabilize the youth before they get an adult case. The group discussed what kind of notification system existed between police and DCFS when a youth in DCFS care is arrested or taken into custody.
    Ms. Laudermilk asked the group if there are things the committee should consider to be proactive on the Juvenile Justice side of the dual systems, potentially alongside the changes at IDJJ. Ms. Weiner noted that IDJJ is moving towards more home-lime placements while DCFS is moving to decrease congregate care placements, and that Chapin Hall is working with IDJJ to strategically arrange those placements. Additionally, that there are lessons to be learned from jurisdictions like New York City who have Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare under one agency, which supports more seamless transitions and connections to community.
  5. Update on CCAS TA Request and Next Steps
    Dr. Hutchinson provided a presentation explaining the 3 steps and requirements for the statewide Racial and Ethnic Disparities plan. Dr. Hutchinson recommended the group understand the data, develop a work plan, noting the 6 questions IL has to answer for step 2. The third step involves conducting an outcome-based evaluation. Ms. Laudermilk asked for volunteers to participate in a working group meeting to aid in the development of the plan.
  6. Public Comment
    No public comment.
  7. Adjourn