Portal EVV / Sandata Mobile Connect (SMC) en Español
Individual Providers (IP) working for Home Services Program (HSP) Customers are required to enter their Santrax ID to call-in and call-out of the EVV system when they begin and end each work shift.
- The call-in and call-out results in a visit that is recorded as complete when there is no missing information for that visit.
- A visit is marked Incomplete when information is missing.
- Missing information might include no call-in or call-out time, wrong Santrax ID or not using a registered telephone line.
Customers and IPs were calling the DHS local office to check the complete or incomplete status of an EVV visit.
HSP is pleased to announce that beginning May 2021, Customers and IPs will have the option to have read access to a new online EVV portal. The portal will allow Customers and IPs to view the status of the call-in and call-out visits that are recorded in the EVV system.
In Oct 2021 HSP Introduced addition features to EVV Portal for Customers. Customers can add, edit and confirm the IP's visits under "Visit Maintenance" section.
Beginning June 2022, we are pleased to offer an additional feature to log your time in and out of EVV using a mobile application Sandata Mobile Connect (SMC). This application will be available to you to download from Google Play store and APP store for Android and iPhone users respectively.
If a customer or IP sees an error for a visit in the portal, the Customer should ensure the correct time has been written on the timesheet. The EVV portal or SMC does not replace the requirement for IPs to submit a signed paper timesheet. IPs are still required to submit a timesheet to the local office for each pay period they work before the timesheet due date, will allow staff to fix the error and prevent delayed or incorrect payments. Final approval of the IP's visits for the purpose of payment processing will be done by the local DRS office based on a review of the Customer approved timesheets.
Opting in for EVV Portal and SMC
If you would like to receive access to the portal and SMC, please watch the video training below.
Portal Training will include information on accessing and navigating the portal, as well as all features that will be available. SMC Training will include instructions on how to download the SMC app and to use your log in credentials initially as well as how to clock-in and clock-out using SMC mobile application.
- After watching the video, submit the EVV Opt-In form to begin the process of creating your user account.
- Once your user account is created, you will receive 2 emails from Sandata with your login information for SMC and Portal.
- Q & A sessions will be available to discuss the EVV Portal and address common questions.
- The training video and Q&A sessions can be accessed via a cell phone or a computer and/or personal device connected to the internet.
- Q & A session dates will be emailed to newly enrolled users.
Use of the Portal or SMC is not required, but HSP suggests using this tool to help IPs to ensure timely and accurate payment for services provided by IPs. IPs are still required to submit a timesheet to the local office for each pay period they work.
If you have any questions, please contact EVV Help Line at 1-888-713-5139 / 1-888-575-0531 (TTY) or contact your local DRS office.
To gain access to the EVV Portal & SMC:
Step 1 - Watch Informational Video
- EVV Portal
- Sandata Mobile Connect (SMC)
Step 2 - Submit the EVV Portal Opt-In Form
- Choose one of the methods below to send in your opt-in forms.
- Opt-in Online
- Submit Paper Form
- Note
- When Opting in Please make sure to use a different email ID's for customers and providers.
- Using the same email ID for both Customer and Provider will delay the process of account creation.
Step 3 - Receive User Login Credentials Email
- Customers
- After you submit the opt-in form, your user account will be created within 10-15 business days and your log in credentials will be emailed to you.
- Sandata will send an email with EVV Portal User-ID/Password (Read / Edit Access)
- Individual Providers:
- After you submit the opt-in form your user account will be created within 10-15 business days and your log in credentials will be emailed to you.
- Sandata will send 2 emails.
- 1) Email1 - User-ID / Password to access EVV Portal (Read Only Access)
- 2) Email2 - User-ID / Password to access SMC (Sandata Mobile Connect).
- Note: Please make sure to check your "SPAM" folder for the emails from Sandata. Some times the email program will move these kind of emails to your SPAM folder.
Step 4 - Use the Portal and SMC applications
- Customers & Providers - EVV Portal Access
- Portal Access
- Visit URL: https://evv.sandata.com/
- Login to the portal with the user-id (your email id) and temporary password that was sent in the email.
- First time when you login, the system may ask you to choose your password of your choice.
- For subsequent login's, you can continue logging in with your user-id and your new password.
- Providers - SMC (Sandata Mobile Connect Access)
- SMC Access
- Android Users: Download the mobile app from Sandata Mobile Connect - Apps on Google Play
- Apple IOS Users: Download the mobile app from Sandata Mobile Connect on App Store
- Login into SMC mobile app with the user-id and temporary password from the email that was sent for SMC.
- First time when you login, the system may ask you to choose your password of your choice.
- For subsequent login's, you can continue logging in with your user-id and your new password.
EVV Portal Phase 1:
EVV Portal Phase 2:
Sandata Mobile Connect:
SMC User Guides
SMC Sick Time User Guides
Created: 5/1/2021
Last updated: 6/15/2022