April 22, 2021 DDD Communication

Good Afternoon,


  • The preliminary seven-day statewide COVID-19 positivity for cases as a percent of total test from April 15-21, 2021 is 3.8%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from April 15-21, 2021 is 4.4%.
  • If you missed the Assistive Technology & the Waiver: An Overview, Plus Remote Supports!


I am pleased to announce some changes and welcome a new member to the Division's executive team! Effective May 1, Kathy Ward will be transitioning to the Administrator of Community Services role and Sarah Myerscough-Mueller will be moving into the Chief of Staff role. This is exciting for the Division in so many ways! Our Division is both retaining our most valued folks and also expanding to bring in others. I want to thank Kathy for her support since I started 18 months ago. I would not have been able to navigate this role as easily without her knowledge and support. I'm so very glad she'll still be in the Division.

In her new role, Kathy will be overseeing our Regions and Community staff. I want to take a moment to thank Alicia Robinson for stepping up to serve as the Interim Administrator of Community Services as we waited for the various hiring processes to be finalized.

Sarah will oversee the Bureau of Reimbursement and Program Support, the Program Development unit and Human Resources. Sarah, Kathy and I will be working closely to ensure a smooth transition.

The Division is embarking on a number of initiatives during FY22 and I believe these moves will position us to successfully meet the challenges facing us.

Here is a little more information about Sarah:

Since August 2019, Sarah has served as Senior Policy Advisor in the IDHS Office of the Secretary where she has served as a policy liaison with the Governor's Office as well as worked on a number of projects including working closely with the Division, Parties, and Court Monitor on the Ligas Consent Decree. Prior to returning to IDHS in 2019, Sarah spent almost three years as the Vice President for Intellectual and Developmental Disability Policy at the Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities. Before her time at IARF, she worked in various roles in Illinois State government including at the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice, IDHS, and Governor Pat Quinn's Office of Legislative Affairs. Sarah earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a minor in French from the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. Sarah is a Springfield native who now lives in Chicago with her husband, daughter, and bulldog.


Recently, providers received a letter from Brian Bond, from IDHS, in regards to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This communication was meant as a courtesy of the information we have already shared with the federal government regarding the PPP. It is also a reminder that in our FY21 grant close out IDHS will be looking at this as part of that process.

DDD providers that did not receive grant funds, or IDHS retention payments, in FY21, are not impacted. For the other DDD providers that did receive an IDHS grant payment and/or retention payment in FY21, and PPP, they will need to have documentation to show how the funds were expended and not used for duplicative costs. For more information please contact: DHS.OCA.FinancialReporting@Illinois.gov  


Our country has experienced numerous high-profile, violent incidents including fatal shootings and racial trauma in recent weeks. These tragic, heartbreaking acts - which, sadly, are not new and occur on a daily basis - remind us of the rippling and damaging effects of continued gun violence and the ongoing painful attacks on people of color, women, and other marginalized communities.

If these traumatic events have impacted you, DMH is available to help with information to assist Illinoisans seeking mental health support.

  • For emotional support, call the DMH Warm Line at: 1-866-359-7953 (Monday - Saturday, 8am-8pm), or text TALK to 552020 for English or HABLAR for Spanish to connect with a Call4Calm counselor. Texts to Call4Calm are followed up by phone within 24 hours. Both the Warm Line and Call4Calm are provided at no cost to consumers.
  • If you are experiencing anxiety or depression, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to reach a 24-hour crisis center, or text MHA to 741741 at the Crisis Text Line. You can also visit MHAscreening.org to get screened and access tools and resources.
  • Review and share this link from our IDHS/DMH website: Dealing with Traumatic Events
  • DMH encourages productive conversation and learning about racism and racial healing. Visit the IDHS initiative Healing Illinois to find events and resources about racial healing across the state: www.healing.illinois.gov and @healingillinois on Instagram and Twitter.


In December 2020, in an effort to enhance choice and increase knowledge of, and access to, services, DDD posted a list of all providers who offer Waiver funded Supported Employment (39U & 39G) and DRS Services (Milestone, SEP and Customized). As DDD furthers efforts to connect individuals with I/DD to employment supports and services, feedback from the provider community is critical. The Division believes this list will help individuals with I/DD, and their support networks, understand the options available when searching for an employment supports provider.

If you are a DDD Supported Employment Provider and your agency is not represented on the DDD Supported Employment Providers link, or you need to update the information based on changes, please notify Casey Burke at casey.burke@illinois.gov.

The email should indicate:

  1. Verification of the legal agency name
  2. Does the agency have a contract with the Division of Rehabilitation Services for Supported Employment?
    1. Yes / No
  3. Does the agency have a contract with the Division of Rehabilitation Services for Milestone?
    1. Yes / No
  4. Does the agency have a contract with the Division of Rehabilitation Services for Customized Employment?
    1. Yes / No
  5. Agency City (Headquarters if multiple locations)

Thank you for all you do.


  • Allison V. Stark
  • Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Illinois Department of Human Services
  • 600 East Ash-Building 400, Springfield, IL 62703
  • Tel: (217) 782 -6803

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.

To request to be added to our email database, or to update your contact and service information, please complete our Contact Survey.

Information provided will help us to better tailor communications to you in the future.